Families, Advocates Decry Sununu Signing of Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills

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Jessica Goff, Education and Training Manager, Seacoast Outright, is pictured at an online news conference Monday.

CONCORD – Earlier Monday, leading social service, civil liberties, and equality champions gathered virtually to discuss the severe impacts of Governor Sununu’s recent signing of discriminatory laws targeting LGBTQ+ youth in New Hampshire. 

Last week, Sununu signed three bills into law – HB 619, HB 1205, and HB 1312 — that will have devastating consequences for New Hampshire’s LGBTQ+ youth and on our state as a whole.

 Once implemented, these laws will ban transgender girls from playing sports, prohibit doctors from providing referrals for gender-affirming surgery, and stifle important classroom discussion by requiring teachers to provide two-week notice to parents on materials and coursework containing references to sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, and gender expression. 

“Can you imagine having to explain to your child that they already played their last game of soccer at the age of 15? That she can no longer join her team in celebration or defeat?” said Sara Tirrell, mother of Parker, a transgender girl and high school soccer player.  “In a state that proudly champions ‘Live Free or Die,’ my daughter is being denied her freedom. The Governor claims to care about safety and fairness. How is my daughter’s safety any less important? How are any of these bills ‘fair’ to her?”

At the press conference, family members joined leaders from Waypoint, Seacoast Outright, ACLU New Hampshire and GLGBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), among others, to address the devastating impacts these laws will have on New Hampshire children and families.

Emily Lawrence, Deputy Advocacy Director, Waypoint: “Sadly, New Hampshire has now joined other states contributing to hostility against LGBTQ+ individuals by specifically targeting and limiting the rights of our transgender teenagers.  This is a significant step backward from the rights entrusted to all individuals in 2018 and 2019 and our state’s live free principle.”

Jessica Goff, Education and Training Manager, Seacoast Outright: “Our hearts are heavy with the news… of this unprecedented step in the targeting of LGBTQ+ youth and families. In no uncertain terms, we denounce these bills as harmful attacks that further marginalize the youth that we serve. To our beloved trans and queer youth, and families across NH, our work goes forward. We will not stop working for a Granite State where you are seen, and celebrated from the classroom to the State House and beyond.”

Devon Chaffee, Executive Director, ACLU New Hampshire: “Let’s be clear, these laws are not actually about fair sports, healthy classrooms, or overall wellbeing, but creating a big panic around transgender kids for political ends. … We condemn Governor Sununu’s signing of these bills and are ready to stand with transgender and all LGBTQ+ Granite Staters and their families in the courtroom to fight the impacts of these laws. We cannot and will not allow politicians to strip away their rights.”

Chris Erchull, Senior Staff Attorney, GLAD Legal Advocates & Defenders: “There is nothing fair about denying these opportunities to some vulnerable students solely because of who they are. Telling transgender girls they do not belong with other girls, that it is unfair or unsafe for them to be on the same teams with their friends, makes a mockery out of fairness. … History will look back at this moment with disgust.”

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