NH Gives Runs June 11-12, Please Remember InDepthNH.org

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Please don’t forget us during the NH GIVES campaign, which runs from 5 p.m. June 11 to 5 p.m. June 12. Please visit NH Gives for more details. 


Dear Friends:

          I don’t think I have to tell you that the current state of journalism in New Hampshire looks more and more dire every day. Someone or other is constantly beating the drum for donations or subscriptions, holding out the tin cup and begging for your dollars. Someone else is announcing a layoff or a reduction of print days or closing down a press for good. I find it all very, very sad.

          We do things a little differently at InDepthNH.org. We try to do a few major fundraisers each year. We have other places where we devote our energy. We try every day to bring you news you can trust, and we hope that you will vote with your wallet to help us continue to bring you this coverage.

          That’s coverage provided by veteran journalists … People such as Garry Rayno and Paula Tracy and Damien Fisher and Beverly Stoddart and Bob Charest and Arnie Alpert and a host of columnists with their own particular view on living in the 21st Century. I myself have been known to weigh in provide a scoop or two.

          We’re here working for you.  Our mission is to “hold government accountable to the people; to fearlessly report unbiased, nonpartisan news that fully informs citizens about their democracy; and to challenge government secrecy by engaging in investigative journalism to shine light on wrongdoing and corruption.”

          InDepthNH.org was incorporated May 7, 2015, and are posting in our ninth year of bringing you news that matters. We have become New Hampshire’s go-to source for news of what’s happening in the State Legislature. We keep you informed on stories about education and health care and law enforcement, and we certainly are not shy about speaking truth to power. We work for you, our readers, and we never forget that.

         The number of our readers has quadrupled over these past years as people seek out trusted, nonpartisan outlets that have no paywall. We continue to seek out niches that legacy newspapers are often unable to cover due to short staffs and budgetary constraints. We make a very small budget go a very long way because we have contract workers and volunteers who believe in our mission and believe the people in New Hampshire must have the news that matters to them, that encourages civic engagement that leads to democratic participation.

         With our limited resources, we have enlisted veteran journalists as well as citizens who have important thoughts to relay, and it is this combination of voices from across the spectrum, as well as our unwavering focus delivering on our original promises, that has kept the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism, the nonprofit corporation that operates InDepthNH.org, on target and growing as one of New Hampshire’s trusted news sources.

        Our focus has been and continues to be to report on those issues which often go overlooked, sometimes due to shrinking newsrooms and budgets, or not reported at all, due to the current news cycle, advertisers’ demand for online traffic, or lack of resources to accurately report on complicated issues. After nine years of delivering our content according to this model, we can look back on our progress, especially as it relates to our original goals, and report that we have far exceeded what we set out to do.

Three Ways to Give:

     1. Send a check payable to New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism, 38 Edgewater Drive, Barrington, NH 03825

     2. Go online to our website at www.InDepthNH.org, and at the top of our home page you’ll see a red “DONATE NOW” button. If you click on that, you may donate using your PayPal, debit or credit card account.

     3. Please don’t forget us during the NH GIVES campaign, which is on June 11-12. Please visit www.nhgives.org for more details. 

           And again, thank you from the bottom of my heart as we chalk up nine years of reporting on the important news that matters to our readers.

With sincere appreciation,

Nancy West
Founder and Executive Director

     You may reach us by phone at (603) 738-5635; by regular mail at 38 Edgewater Drive, Barrington, NH 03825; or by email at NancyWestNews@gmail.com.

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