Sununu Calls College Protests Against the Israel-Hamas War ‘Pure Anti-Semitism’

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Paula Tracy photo

Gov. Chris Sununu is pictured speaking with reporters in this file photo.

UPDATE: The Dartmouth, the student newspaper at Dartmouth College, reported at “8:51 p.m. — Troopers begin detaining protestors. Two New Hampshire state troopers have gone into the encirclement and removed a protestor.” Live updates by The Dartmouth here:


CONCORD – When Gov. Chris Sununu was asked by reporters Wednesday about the Israel-Hamas war college protests around the country, with one expected to start at Dartmouth College in Hanover later in the day, he said it was all about hatred.

“This is pure anti-Semitism,” Sununu said Wednesday afternoon in a press briefing after the Governor and Executive Council meeting.

“This is pure hatred. Oh. No, it is. And again, they have a right to express that. I’m disgusted by it,” Sununu said.

He said college leadership nationwide has done a good job to date.

“By leadership at the college and university level – showing respect to that process – has allowed the students, I think to understand that they are respected and there is a voice there, but it obviously can’t lead to violence or disruption of …any of the university systems out there.

“As soon as it turns disruptive, as soon as it turns violent, you know as we have seen in other parts of the country, that is what the story becomes… opposed to the message,” Sununu said.

He said there are outside forces that come in.

“Everyone sees what is happening nationally and I think everyone is pretty appalled by it. And what I can say is as governor we are in constant communication with our colleges and universities, constant communications with local law enforcement,” Sununu said.

The Dartmouth, the student newspaper at Dartmouth College, was posting live updates online about the demonstration saying that about 300 people had moved onto the Green at Dartmouth by 6:30 p.m. Wednesday.

“From within the encampment, one of the protestors denounces the genocide in Gaza. “After pauses, the crowd yells ‘shame,’ among other chants. “Within this encampment, we stand in solidarity with the people of Gaza and the West Bank,” says one of the protestors inside the tent, The Dartmouth reported.

The Dartmouth appears to be continuing to update what is going on at the Green:

The Dartmouth reported the following:

8:12 p.m. — State troopers and additional Hanover police officers arrive on scene

At least five state trooper cars and 12 Hanover Police cars drive up College Street in the opposite direction of traffic. Approximately 20 riot police with batons and masks walk in unison across the Green toward the protestors.

The police are assembling across from College Street.

Some protestors begin to leave the Green.

8:24 p.m. — Final warning given to protestors

Hanover Police Department officials have given the protestors a 10-minute warning before police enter the encampment area. They said physical force may be used.

Across the Country

PBS News Hour listed 24 colleges and universities around the country that have joined the protests that began with Columbia University.

“The students are calling for universities to separate themselves from companies advancing Israel’s military efforts in Gaza and in some cases from Israel itself. Police have arrested hundreds nationwide since detainments at Columbia on April 18,” PBS News Hour reported.

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