Maralyn Doyle on FITN: ‘As I am undeclared I can vote in the Republican primary’


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I too am irked by Biden’s refusal to participate in the NH primary.

And it bites even more that he picked South Carolina to be first. Of all places! How insulting to the NH electorate! If he wants my vote he can run here. Not writing anybody in!

As I am undeclared I can vote in the Republican primary. All along I had planned to vote for Chris Christie because he has been telling the truth about Trump. Now I am considering Nikki Haley even though I don’t agree with her about abortion, or pardoning Trump, or her anti-union stance in SC and her equivocating on racism and the Civil War.

In fact I think she’s an empty suit with no there there. Just to vote for her because she  is NOT Trump. I guess I’ll decide on Tuesday.

  Maralyn Doyle

Newbury NH

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