Senate Democrats Announce their 2024 Legislative Priorities

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Senate Minority Leader Donna Soucy

CONCORD – Following the announcement of the Senate Democrats’ 2024 Legislative Priorities, Senator Soucy released the following statement:

Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy (D-Manchester) stated,“In 2023, we pledged to build an affordable, inclusive, and thriving New Hampshire, support working families, public education, and a clean energy economy, and secure reproductive health care, civil rights, and the integrity of our democracy, and we did just that with some very important pieces of legislation.

“Now in 2024, we are going to continue to build upon that pledge by championing legislation to support children, families, and safe communities; build an economy that works for everyone; and safeguard reproductive freedom.

“We were all sent to the State House to represent each and every one of our constituents. Whether someone voted for us or not, the Senate Democrats are working every day in our communities and here in Concord to ensure our state works for all of our residents, not just a few. Because we believe in our residents, we believe in our communities, and we believe in A Granite State for Everyone.”

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