11 Days to Double Your Donation to InDepthNH. We Need your Help To Grow!

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Dear Friend,
First off, Happy Holidays to all. I hope this year brings you new hope, new joy and lots of love.

I know this is a busy time of the year, so I’ll get to the point: We have 11 days remaining in our NewsMatch fundraising campaign — and we could use your support to get to the finish line before New Year’s Eve.

As a nonprofit news organization, we pride ourselves on independent, inclusive, and in-depth coverage of the topics that matter to you and New Hampshire. This also means we rely on our readers to support our reporting. As we head into a crucial election year, that support is more important than ever.

When you donate today, your investment will go even further. From now until December 31, any contribution you make, up to $1,000, will be matched by local funders and NewsMatch, and any recurring monthly donation (our favorite option, because it provides predictable, sustaining revenue!) will be multiplied by 12. That’s a lot of impact! You can hit the donate button or mail checks to NH Center for Public Interest Journalism, 38 Edgewater Drive, Barrington, NH 03825. Our EIN number 81-2266973.

We believe in the power of journalism to speak truth to power and uphold our democracy. And whether you’re new to InDepthNH.org or have been with us from the very beginning, you know that our nonprofit and nonpartisan reporting fills a critical need in our community. And I do love the appreciative notes you send. I appreciate you, too. 

We have just 11 days to go in our NewsMatch campaign, and we need your help to meet our goal of $100,000. We need a strong end of the year push to be able to do all we want to do in the coming year. This is our major fundraiser and we really need your help. Call if you have any questions 603-738-5635. 
Will you join us?
Sincerely, Nancy West
Yes, I’ll donate today for TWICE the impact!!
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