Extreme Skiing Legend Dan Egan Takes Reins as GM Of ‘Reimagined’ Tenney Mountain

Dan Egan

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By WAYNE KING, NH Secrets, Legend and Lore

Listen here: https://feeds.podetize.com/kOv5L8a3P.mp3

Many people from the central New Hampshire area will speak fondly, often wistfully, of Tenney Mountain.  As if it’s time had passed. Yet, there is a reason why Tenney has been resurrected time and again over the years. It is because many of the fundamentals of a great family ski area are there, it’s just that the formula for its resurrection have not been quite right.

Today, a lot of folks believe that formula may finally have been found and – once again – optimism is bubbling up in the heart of New Hampshire. A combination of local knowledge, ski industry savvy and the financial “juice” needed to confront the dual challenges of restoring Tenney’s infrastructure and dreaming big about its future seems to have coalesced with the team of Dan Egan and Steven Kelley – two folks with “just enough crazy in them” to make it happen.


Spirit Buffalo in a Painted Sky

Podcasts produced at Anamaki Studios in Bath, NH. 

This land lies in N’dakinna, the traditional ancestral homeland of the Abenaki, Sokoki, Koasek, Pemigewasset, Pennacook and Wabanaki Peoples past and present. We acknowledge and honor with gratitude those who have stewarded N’dakinna throughout the generations.

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