Celebrate the Holidays with an Irish Christmas in Derry

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DERRY – The Stockbridge Theatre continues its holiday celebrations with Christmas with the Celts  on Dec. 21 at 7 p.m.

Celebrating 12 years of successful national touring, Christmas with the Celts performs a wonderful combination of timeless ancient Irish Christmas Carols and lively Irish dance with modern contemporary songs but with Irish instrumentation. New Christmas hits, Celts originals, and fresh Irish Dance tunes are added to the show each year so that no 2 years are the same.

This year Christmas with the Celts will introduce top Irish musicians Patrick D’Arcy from Dublin and Fiachra O’Regan from Connemara, Ireland. These two have performed with Bono of U2, Sting, Quincy Jones, The Waterboys, Bill Whelan of Riverdance, just to name a few. Also, featured will be the haunting vocals of beautiful singer/fiddler Luisa Marion.

The high-stepping spirited musical selections have audiences clapping along from the first lively renditions of popular contemporary Christmas classics such as Irish versions of Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Mariah Carey’s All I Want for Christmas, White Christmas, John Lennon’s perennial Happy Christmas and many surprises.  The show presents a perfect combination of modern Christmas hits, lively ancient Irish Carols, hilarious spontaneous humor, thrilling Irish dancing, a children’s choir and meaningful Christmas ballads with lush string arrangements giving audiences a most memorable interactive Christmas experience.

Tickets for this unforgettable evening are available for purchase at https://stockbridgetheatre.showare.com/ or call 603-437-5210.

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