AG Identifies Man Shot to Death in Officer-Involved Shooting In Franklin

Paula Tracy photo

Home on Bow Street in Franklin where man was shot and killed after a standoff with police.

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Concord, NH – Attorney General John M. Formella announces autopsy results and the identity of the individual killed during the officer-involved shooting incident following an armed standoff in Franklin, New Hampshire on November 20, 2023.

Earlier today, Deputy Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Mitchell Weinberg conducted an autopsy on the body of Nate Landrebe (age 42). Dr. Weinberg determined that the cause of Mr. Landrebe’s death was multiple gunshot wounds, and that the manner of his death was homicide.

Mr. Landrebe was engaged in an armed standoff with officers at his residence beginning the evening of November 19-20, 2023.  At approximately 3:01 AM, officers could see smoke and fire inside the building when Mr. Landrebe exchanged multiple gunshots with troopers.

Two members of the New Hampshire State Police SWAT Unit discharged firearms as part of this incident.  Pursuant to protocol, the names of the two troopers involved are being withheld pending the conclusion of formal interviews.

The building suffered severe damage from the fire.  The origin and cause of how the fire began inside the home is currently under investigation by the New Hampshire State Fire Marshal’s Office.  There continue to be no apparent indications that the fire was caused by any law enforcement action.

The exact circumstances surrounding this incident remain under active investigation.  The identity of Troopers involved will not be released until formal interviews have occurred.  That information and any other relevant information will be provided when it becomes available.

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