Air Conditioning Malfunction Halts House Committee Work

Legislative Office Building in Concord

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CONCORD — All House committee and subcommittee meetings for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday have been cancelled.

The air conditioning in the Legislative Office Building malfunctioned and with predictions of temperatures in the high 80s and high humidity, House Speaker Sherman Packard decided to cancel the meetings.

Among the meetings cancelled is the Retirement Benefits Commission, which was expected to discuss a report from the New Hampshire Retirement System actuaries of the cost of a proposed amendment by Senate President Jeb Bradley, R-Wolfeboro, that would be less costly than the House plan to restore lost benefits for about 1,800 Group II members who belonged to the system, but not vested when the benefits formula was changed in 2012.

Also work sessions on retained bills by the Commerce and Consumer Affairs; Labor, Industrial and Rehabilitative Services; Education, and Criminal Justice and Public Safety committees were also cancelled due to the malfunction.

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