War for the Roses: Making ‘that Geezer’ Get 65 Rose Tattoos for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Don Kreis of Concord shows off his new rose tattoo with 64 to go. Twitter photo

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Don Kreis and daughter, Rose Keller. Courtesy photo

By WAYNE D. KING, The Radical Centrist

Don Kreis and his daughter Rose Keller make a formidable team. Whether as guests on a podcast or fighting the battle against Cystic Fibrosis.

This year when Don turned 65 he announced that he would get 65 rose tattoos on his body if he could raise $65,000 for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. But when he called to tell his daughter Rose about his plan, Rose told him he wasn’t thinking big enough.

After all, if he was going to sell that kind of real estate on his body it should be worth a lot more to the foundation dedicated to working on a cure for Rose’s genetic disorder than a mere $65,000. She challenged him to raise it to $650,000 and he accepted the challenge. In this episode, Don and Rose open up about the challenges of living with Cystic Fibrosis as a dad and a daughter with C.F. and their team effort to end it once and for all. Don is NH’s Consumer Advocate for the Office of Consumer Advocate.

Listen here on Podetize Podcasts: https://d2iwv8pn9yf3nf.cloudfront.net/v_yAF9WmTE.mp3

Podcast Notes: https://centristchange.blogspot.com/2023/08/ep-60-war-for-roses-making-that-geezer.html

Donate: Cystic Fibrosis 65 Roses Challenge Donations give.cff.org/celebration/tattoos4don

Wayne D. King

64 Monroe Rd., Bath, NH 03740

603-530-4460 Cell

www.Anamaki.com : Productions & Studios

www.WayneDKing.com : Fine Art




The Radical Centrist Podcast

New Hampshire Secrets, Legends and Lore Chosen as NH Podcast of 2019 by NH Press Assoc.

*Sacred Trust, a Novel*
“The Monkey Wrench Gang Meets the Third Industrial Revolution”

The View from Rattlesnake Ridge 
New England Newspaper & Press Assoc. award-winning column by Wayne King at InDepthNH.org, NH Center for Public Interest Journalism.

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