Next $500 in Donations to Will Be Doubled

Editorial cartoonist Mike Marland drew this for when we first started. Thank you Mike and thanks to our generous matcher!

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By Nancy West,

Double your donation for’s summer fundraiser today. A generous donor who prefers anonymity has agreed to match $2,000 in donations and that has raised $1,500 so there is $500 left to be matched. We are encouraging summer donors and also we are getting ready for our NewsMatch November and December fundraiser. We welcome co-matchers for both. Call 603-738-5635 or email

See more information here on both fundraises and our need for co-matches and donors:

And special thanks to our very first donor for putting up the first $2,000. Thank you all. We need your support. We work hard for your support. And we are grateful for your support. Thanks Nancy West

Mail checks to NH Center for Public Interest Journalism, 38 Edgewater Drive, Barrington, NH 03825 or click the donate button here.

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