Roger Wood Gets NHPA Lifetime Achievement Award, Our 5th Lifetime Winner

Nancy West photo

Roger Wood is pictured speaking at the NH Press Association awards banquet last year. Roger picked up his Lifetime Achievement Award.

Share this story: had a blast at the NH Press Association Awards Banquet at the NH Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College. Thursday. From left Beverly Stoddart, a NH Writer’s Life; and four of our five Lifetime Achievement Award winners Garry Rayno, Roger Wood – our latest – Nancy West and Paula Tracy. Mike Marland is not pictured.

By BEVERLY STODDART, is pleased to announce that with 50 years of experience, Roger Wood was honored at the New Hampshire Press Association awards banquet Thursday with its Lifetime Achievement 2023 award for his work in broadcast radio news and public affairs. Roger currently serves as associate publisher and podcast producer at Roger’s award makes the most honored organization in that category by having four other previous winners. Roger as our fifth Lifetime Achievement Award winner joins InDepthNH’org’s Garry Rayno, Nancy West, Mike Marland and Paula Tracy.

Roger’s podcasts are archived here:

“Roger’s honor is our best reminder that the nonprofit has the most experienced and talented journalists in New Hampshire,” said publisher Nancy West, who recruited Roger nine years ago after many years of admiring his work and enjoying his loyal friendship.

Roger began his career at a Pennsylvania radio station while still attending Temple University where he received his bachelor’s degree in communications, then spent the rest of his career in New Hampshire. Roger has been recognized by the New Hampshire Press Association for his work in news podcasts and honored for his work in broadcast radio news and public affairs. He has produced news and special feature reports for, New Hampshire Public Radio, NPR, and other public and commercial radio stations.  He also has produced spot news for CBS Radio. He has produced and narrated some 50 audiobooks and has written three novels.

Roger Wood and his wife, Elaine, are pictured at the NH Press Association Awards banquet Thursday at the NH Institute of Politics. Roger was given the Lifetime Achievement Award for his many years in broadcasting and podcasting. Nancy West photo

  Roger has also moderated political forums for Seacoast Area Chambers of Commerce in Senate, gubernatorial and congressional races. He has also facilitated public policy discussions locally and statewide.  He has three adult children and four grandchildren. Roger and his wife Elaine, reside in Portsmouth with their cat Sebastian.

The awards evening at the Institute for Politics at Saint Anselm College was called to order by the Union Leader’s Mike Cote, Master of Ceremonies. Paul W. Chant, Incoming President NH Bar Association, was the keynote speaker.

John Harrigan and his dog Millie. John died Dec. 26, 2022, leaving many, many friends and fans too soon.

Beloved columnist, John Harrigan, who died last December, was remembered with a tribute by Editor-At-Large for the Union Leader, Joseph W. McQuaid. He spoke of Harrigan, the former publisher of The News and Sentinel in Colebrook, who was inducted into the New England Hall of Fame by the New England Newspaper and Press Association in 2020 as “a fine newspaperman.” McQuaid reminded the gathered attendees of “the day that hell descended upon him,” when tragedy came calling at his newspaper, and in all his professionalism rose to the moment and published the paper and the story the next day, earning him a First Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.

“John Harrigan was a friend to all and he certainly loved,” West said. “John wrote a column called The View from Above the Notches for and worked for free to help us out.”

He generously shared the wisdom he gained in many years working in the newspaper business.

Back in 2016 when John began writing for, he said, “Above all, I’m in it to have fun and at the same time try to provide some continuity of history and tradition and identity and meaning and sense of place that’s so sadly missing in so much of the media scene.

“There should be a common thread running through what we do and are all about, and it’s hard for people to find now and grasp,” Harrigan wrote.

Chris Schadler, Co-Founder of the NH Wildlife Coalition, started a scholarship fund in John’s honor. Donate here:

Brendan McQuaid, NHPA President, and Union Leader Publisher, made welcoming remarks. The award announcements then commenced.

Garry Rayno and his wife, Carolyn, enjoyed the NH Press Association awards banquet at the NH Institute of Politics Thursday. Nancy West photo
Don Kreis is NH’s Consumer Advocate before the PUC, but he was honored by the NH Press Association for his column Power to the People Thursday night, which he writes for free as community service. Thanks Don. Nancy West photo journalists were awarded in several categories.

Feature Writing

Paula Tracy, InDepthNH
John Harrigan has died

Second Place

Best Audio or Podcast

Wayne King, InDepthNH

Wayne King creates the best podcasts

Third Place

Community Service

Donald Kreis, Power to the People

Sports Reporting

George Liset, InDepthNH

Writing on the Fly

Second Place

Columnist of the Year

Arnie Alpert, InDepthNH

Active with the Activists

Second Place

Garry Rayno, InDepthNH

Distant Dome

Third Place

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