The Long Relay Race toward Justice

Nadine Hack

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Focusing on The Human Element of Change

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If I were to take the time to share with you the hundreds of accolades Nadine Hack has received during the course of her illustrious career it would take up the entire podcast. Suffice it to say that photographs and letters from the likes of Nelson Mandela, Bishop Tutu, Andrew Young, Gloria Steinhem, and an entire range of business and nonprofit executives worldwide adorn her walls.

She is a graduate of Harvard and the New School and was chosen as the very first woman to be Executive-in-Residence at IMD Business School in Switzerland where she continues to maintain an affiliation.

From cutting her teeth on the first state assembly campaign of Shirley Chisholm, later the first African-American woman candidate for President, to enduring the slings and arrows from all sides to bridge the divide between Loggers and environmentalists in California, to working to bring an end to the horrors of Apartheid in South Africa, and sectarian and religious strife in Northern Ireland, just to name a few of her causes,  Nadine has established herself among the most preeminent thought leaders internationally, specializing in the challenges of bringing together adversaries and enemies, and she has done so for more than 60 years with no signs of slowing down.

She has been an envoy to the UN, and she is currently working on a book: likely titled, “The Power of Connectedness” – with a forward written by the late Rev Bishop Desmond Tutu with whom she served as the Board Chair of the Desmond Tutu Peace Foundation.

She has also served as a director on both for-profit and not-for-profit boards internationally. One of those Boards – of which she is exceedingly proud – is Global Citizens Circle, co-founded by her husband Jerry Dunfey. If you are a longtime listener to the Radical Centrist Podcast you may remember that in the very early days of the podcast I interviewed the newest Executive director of Global Citizen’s Circle Theo Dunfey Spanos and we’ll put a link to that podcast as well as a few other related podcasts in the show notes of this podcast.

Her company has 33 Senior Associates internationally, each with their own teams and networks.

As I said, Nadine volunteered on Shirley’s first 1964 race for NYS Assembly. As a mentor, she taught Nadine that racism, sexism, classism, militarism, and environmental degradation are inextricably intertwined: what today we call intersectionalism.

Still keeping hope alive all these decades later, it is my great privilege to bring you a conversation with Nadine Dunfey-Hack.

Show notes:

Wayne D. King

64 Monroe Rd., Bath, NH 03740

603-530-4460 Cell : Productions & Studios : Fine Art

Podcasts produced at Anamaki Studios in Bath, NH. 

This land lies in N’dakinna, the traditional ancestral homeland of the Abenaki, Sokoki, Koasek, Pemigewasset, Pennacook and Wabanaki Peoples past and present. We acknowledge and honor with gratitude those who have stewarded N’dakinna throughout the generations.

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