Cannon Mountain Tram Wins Senate Approval

Paula Tracy photo

The state Senate met Wednesday afternoon.

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Concord, NH – State Sen. Carrie Gendreau’s push to rebuild the historic Cannon Mountain Tram took a big step forward today with her bill gaining unanimous approval from the New Hampshire Senate. Senate Bill 55 would appropriate $25 million to replace the 40-year-old tram:  

“The Tram is an essential piece of New Hampshire’s tourism infrastructure, and we need to keep it running,” said Gendreau, R-Littleton. “The second-generation tram is at the end of its 40-year service, and parts will soon be impossible to find. Now is the time to build a third-generation tram that will draw tourists and fellow Granite Staters to Cannon Mountain for another 40 years.”

The Cannon Mountain Tramway was the first of its kind in North America when it opened in 1938, carrying 163,000 passengers up the mountain in its first year alone. It is currently one of only two tramways in New England. Tram II has been running since 1980. The tram has continued to be a year-round tourist destination, generating $2 million in revenue annually.

SB 55 received a unanimous voice vote from the Senate. It has been placed on the table and will be considered during the Senate phase of the state budget this spring.

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