Bradley Bill To Reauthorize Medicaid Expansion Receives Broad Bipartisan Support

Paula Tracy photo

The Senate galley at the State House where people are pictured watching Wednesday's session.

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CONCORD – Senate President Jeb Bradley, R-Wolfeboro, applauded the Senate Health and Human Services committee for unanimously passing SB 263 Wednesday, legislation that permanently extends the New Hampshire Advantage Health Care program.

“Today we saw broad support to permanently extend this important program that gives low-income New Hampshire families access to health care, “said Bradley.

 “Over the past nine years, we have seen this successful program reduce the hidden tax of uncompensated care by 60% as well as bring down the costs of individual health insurance rates to the lowest in the nation.

“The business community including the Business & Industry Association, NH Retail Association, and Chambers of Commerce across the state, as well as hospitals and patient advocate groups all stated their support for SB 263 and I am looking forward to Senate passage of this bill.”

Following the public hearing and unanimous passage of SB 263-FN, the Senate Democratic Caucus issued the following statement:

“SB 263, sponsored by Senate President Bradley, is a bipartisan piece of legislation that works to permanently address the state’s longstanding commitment to provide Medicaid coverage to Granite Staters of modest means. For years, over the course of several budget cycles, this body has worked across the aisle to permanently expand Medicaid coverage, and address the issue of disparities in reimbursement rates in this state.

“The Senate Democratic Caucus looks forward to championing this legislation, alongside our Republican colleagues, and to expanding Medicaid coverage to all who need it in the Granite State.”

Bills must be noticed in the Senate Calendar before the session day they’ll be taken up. The bill will go next to the full Senate for a vote.

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