By WAYNE KING, NH Secrets, Legends and Lore
A few weeks ago I was perusing a local listserve here in the North Country and I came across a message and appeal for Earth Day volunteers. As I read the message looking for the organization seeking volunteers, I realized that there was no organization. This effort was being undertaken by a single person – Kim Wenger Hall. Like many of us, Kim was concerned about the effects of plastic waste on the planet. Not content to simply complain about it, she had taken action and was recruiting volunteers to help through a call to action sent to friends, relatives as well as those she may not even know.
It’s not that she was asking a lot – she was simply issuing a call to those who felt a similar concern to take personal action along with her.
That’s why she is an everyday hero, taking action through her own initiative.
Here’s my conversation with Kim Wenger Hall
Listen here:
Photo: Facebook Photo
Wayne D. King
64 Monroe Rd., Bath, NH 03740
603-530-4460 Cell
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