Senate Dems and GOP House Leaders Respond to Gov. Sununu’s Inaugural Address

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House Speaker Sherman Packard is pictured speaking at a news conference last October in this file photo standing next to Majority Leader Jason Osborne.

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Senate Democrats Respond:

CONCORD – Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy (D-Manchester) issued the following statement in response to Governor Sununu’s Inaugural Address this afternoon:

“The Senate Democratic Caucus will work with Governor Sununu and our colleagues in the House and Senate throughout this legislative term to protect the freedoms of all New Hampshire citizens. In today’s address, the Governor referenced the imperative right New Hampshire citizens have to freedom, and our caucus is committed to ensuring those freedoms on various fronts, whether that be in the doctor’s office, the classroom, or in the voting booth.”

House Republican Leaders Respond:

Concord, NH: House Speaker Sherman Packard (R-Londonderry) and Majority Leader Jason Osborne (R-Auburn) released a joint statement following Governor Christopher Sununu’s inauguration ceremony: 

House Speaker Sherman Packard: 

“As we embark upon a new term with fresh eyes and eagerness, I am emboldened to take on the newest challenges that we face together as Granite Staters and turn them into opportunities that will grow our economy, strengthen our communities, and restore our infrastructure. 

Last term, we passed a fiscally responsible budget, cut business taxes twice, gave families educational choice, property tax relief, energy assistance, and gave money back to municipalities for bridges, infrastructure, and roads. Because of our forward-thinking, NH is recognized as the #1 place in which to live, work and raise a family. 

This term, the Legislature will work together to find solutions for NH families when it comes to rising energy costs, lack of childcare resources, and housing. We will continue to focus on putting forth a clean budget that cuts taxes when possible and puts money back into the pockets of our constituents. Our goal is to keep NH moving forward in a positive direction, and I am looking forward to doing that with Governor Sununu.”

House Majority Leader Jason Osborne:

“I appreciate Governor Sununu’s remarks today as we enter a new term, and I concur with his focus on efficiently managing the people’s money. We were elected by our constituents- not bureaucrats, not Washington politicians, and not national political parties.

We are committed to ensuring we continue our record of passing a budget with no new taxes or fees. We look forward to cutting taxes to ensure more of Granite Staters’ hard-earned money is staying in their pockets. We remain focused on the energy crisis and reducing the increasing costs our citizens are facing. We look forward to guaranteeing that parents remain in charge of their children’s education- without state or local government intrusion. And, we look forward to keeping New Hampshire’s First in the Nation Primary status. As stated, the voters want leaders who can deliver, and we look forward to delivering results for Granite Staters.”

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