Emergency Planning Zone Communities Get Updated Seabrook Station Brochures

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Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant

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CONCORD, N.H. ­– New Hampshire residents living within the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ), the 10 mile radius surrounding Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant, should have received a 2023 copy of a brochure containing emergency information in December.

Developed by emergency management officials, the annually updated brochure contains important emergency planning information for residents, businesses and visitors within the EPZ. The brochure details the four emergency classification levels and instructions to be followed in the event one is declared. It lists the ways in which residents, business and visitors may be notified of a potential event at Seabrook Station, what to do during an evacuation and where to go. Other valuable information includes guidance on pets, farm animals, parents who have children in school or child care and potassium iodide (KI).

New Hampshire communities within the EPZ include: Brentwood, East Kingston, Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Kensington, Kingston, New Castle, Newfields, Newton, North Hampton, Portsmouth, Rye, Seabrook, South Hampton and Stratham. People that live, work, or vacation within the 10 mile EPZ should be prepared for an emergency at the plant and be familiar with the EPZ’s emergency plans and procedures.

Anyone who did not receive a brochure but would like one, can email hsempio@dos.nh.gov. The brochures also can be found online.

For more information on Seabrook Station EPZ preparedness information, visit ReadyNH.gov.

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