Black Lives Matter Seacoast Presents BIPOC Open Mic Series at Music Hall Lounge

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Portsmouth, NH – Black Lives Matter Seacoast (BLM Seacoast) is proud to partner with The Music Hall Lounge for our first Open Mic Day on January 8th, 2023. This Day is themed “In Your WORDS and VOICE”. We are putting out a call to our Black, Brown and Indigenous community members to showcase their creative expressions through spoken word, music, art, stand up and more! 

This amazing night will center BIPOC voices for an evening of community, creation, and unapologetic self expression. Through this event, we are creating space where our people are feeling heard, validated, and honored. A space to share community with those of similar passions and stories. 

This event will be on Sunday, January 8th and will be two sessions. The first session is at 1pm – 3pm for those ages under 20 years old. The session is free to all and we will provide complimentary lunch to all. The second session is at 5pm for ages 21+ with donated admission that will support our Youth Division of BLM Seacoast and future Open Mic Series. The Music Hall Lounge Bar will be open with a cash bar. 

Both sessions will feature Dj MAM. DJ MAM is new to the scene. Originally from Boston, Dj MAM gained a love for 90’s Hip-HOP and R&B which you will experience through her dj sets. 

If you would like to sign up to share your voice and words: please complete this form on Additional details about the event can be found there as well! 

If you have any accessibility or dietary needs, please email us at

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