The Disappearing House Reporters’ Desk That Reappeared After Some Sleuthing – And Yes, Some Money Changed Hands

Graphic by Wayne D. King is celebrating the Bicentennial of New Hampshire's State House.

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CONCORD – Ever wonder how a valuable curved desk that was used by reporters a century ago on the floor of Representatives Hall at the State House ended up for sale not so long ago in a Concord consignment shop? Or why the state of New Hampshire paid reporters to cover legislative sessions back then? Or how much the state had to pay to buy back the reporters’ desk?

From left: Terry Pfaff, State House Chief Operating Officer, Dick Hesse, professor emeritus of UNH Law School, and Secretary of State Bill Gardner

Virginia Drew, director of the NH Visitor Center at the State House.

Then you are in for a wild ride with these three candid conversations at the New Hampshire Visitor Center at the State House with the people who know and love it best as we all celebrate the State House Bicentennial: Terry Pfaff, Virginia Drew, Bill Gardner, and Dick Hesse. executive director Nancy West and columnist, podcaster and former state Senator Wayne D. King tagged along for a history lesson as our chief videographer and reporter Evan Lips documented the day and life of the New Hampshire State House in January.

PART 1: The Disappearing reporters’ table.

Part 2:The Fire Marshall said: ‘You gotta clean things up.’


Part 3: Virginia Drew: ‘Back in the 1800s, they sat on the other side.’ is New Hampshire’s premiere nonprofit, online news outlet that brings you news you care about.

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