Your Wednesday Toon (Thursday)

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Why is your Wednesday Mike Marland editorial cartoon early and late?

Because we need your help. We need his NH fans to help pay Mike Marland. adopted Mike’s twice weekly editorial cartoons after he was cut by the Concord Monitor after many years for economic reasons. Mike Marland is at the top of his game and decided to up the ante when he came aboard and now works in living color.

We are behind in paying Mike and need you to donate through CrowdRise or by calling 603-738-5635. You have been so generous. Let’s keep Mike working!

Now when you donate to our Crowdrise  Adopt Mike Marland fundraising campaign you’ll get stuff from Mike! He will update CrowdRise regularly.

Signed IDNH editorial cartoon prints, signed original editorial cartoon art, signed books even custom caricatures! All the gift info is here www.marlandcartoons/crowdrise

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