Bob LaPree has been a photojournalist in New Hampshire for more than 45 years, working with stills, film and video.
Since retiring after 25 years at the New Hampshire Union Leader he has been revisiting video production and pursuing his lifelong enjoyment of nature photography.
He has always appreciated how effective photographic images can convey a wealth of information and draw out many feelings of the viewer. Photography can not only inform, but can also be an impetus for raising awareness of important issues.
“We are thrilled about having Bob LaPree join our merry band of journalists as we grow to become New Hampshire’s premiere indepth news source,” said Nancy West, executive editor.
See below for guidelines for submitting your photos.
InDepthNH Photo Desk
We at invite our readers to share their recent photos with us and, ultimately, the whole world.
If you would like to share a particularly good photo of New Hampshire’s natural beauty, its remarkable people and cultural events, please send them to us at so we can consider them for posting on as a feature photo of the day. When we have a great selection, we’ll run a feature called “More IndepthNH Photos of the Week”
Some Guidelines:
If you can, send the photo as a jpeg file at 200 dpi in either a horizontal (landscape) or vertical (portrait) orientation. The image may be cropped for more effective presentation.
Include some basic information for a caption as well as how you would like the photo credited.
Normally the photos that will be considered for use the following week should be submitted by midnight Saturday, (or at least when Saturday Night Live is over). If you have a time sensitive photo, say of an event, send it directly to
A Few Caveats:
Understand that when a photo is posted online it is available for anyone to copy and distribute further, either as a link to the website or the photo itself. Essentially you place it into the public domain for others to use. Our usage will be strictly for non-commercial editorial use, others can use the image any way they may want. Consider privacy issues, especially when depicting people.
The use and possible reuse will be without compensation.
Thanks, we look forward to seeing your images.
Bob LaPree, InDepthNH Photo Desk.