Monica Reads: Get To Know ‘The One Man’

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The One Man By Andrew Gross
By Monica Drahonovsky

Does one man make a difference in history?  Is Nathan Blum the one man to make a difference or is it Alfred Mendl?  How do Leo and Greta and Greta’s husband figure in the intrigue.

Monica Drahonovsky

The author Andrew Gross puts all of these characters together in a mystery to define what is good and what is evil. The One Man is a must read for anyone who is interested in how we got to the present time.

By looking back to the importance of one man, the author takes the reader through some of the roughest and most upsetting times for the Jews who were thrown into concentration camps after the Warsaw ghetto was gutted.  The book is an examination and description of evil.

The reader is shown the fragile condition of goodness and the complete destruction of decency fostered by the Nazi’s as well as the complicity and fear among the German people at that time.

On any given day, do we get out of bed to begin our day with evil on our mind?  Do we think about the difference and think we should choose goodness to be our guiding light for the day?  We need to think about the past and know that our future is built on the knowledge of how easy it is to slip into evil ways.  So, set the standard of goodness in your heart every morning.

This book is a brilliant tease of information and insightful incidents that happened in horrific times of the past.   In the end, you will know who the “one man” is.  The book delves into the losses and guilt that people shared at that time.  We get a view of the helpless victims and the evil doers and their motivations.  Go to your library and get this book.

You will also witness the overwhelming love that families experienced during the worst of times.  I know that a lot of people would rather forget the Holocaust and the utterly all-consuming guilt that the survivors were left with, but we must keep the story alive and real.  It could happen again and again.  The people from the past have stories that need to be told today over and over again.

Monica Reads is’s latest column. It is written by Monica Drahonovsky who is known for her love of history and her lifelong love for reading. She has a bachelor’s degree in History, with a minor in English, along with teaching credentials. “My years of reading for leisure and pleasure have given me the insight to read a book and analyze the author’s baggage, cargo and ability to write the language of his/her mind and utilize the gift of prose to educate and entertain the reader.  Go get a book, read it and enjoy the adventure.” Contact Monica at


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