Wonky Longshot Lessig’s Top Donors: Google, Harvard

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Lessig campaign photo

Larry Lessig, founder of NH Rebellion.

Harvard professor Larry Lessig, who declared his candidacy in early September, cited the Democratic Party’s debate rules as his reason for dropping out Monday.

He had failed to qualify for the first Democratic debate last month and said in a campaign video released on YouTube that a recent rule change would keep him out of the next one, making a serious run impossible.

The 54-year-old had said that, if elected, he would resign after overhauling the campaign finance system through his proposed Citizen Equality Act, leaving the White House to his vice president. But he later changed his mind.

Lessig has floated the idea of an independent campaign, and told The Washington Post in an email on Monday that “nothing (legal) is ruled out.”

His announcement comes after former Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) and former Gov.Lincoln Chafee (I-R.I.) bowed out, leaving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Gov. Martin O’Malley (D-Md.) in the race for the Democratic nomination.

Before taking his shot at the presidency, Lessig launched Mayday PAC, a super PAC that reported $7.6 million in independent expenditures during the 2014 election cycle and supported campaign finance reform-minded politicos. Most of those candidates lost.

As of Sept. 30, Lessig had pulled in $1 million from individual donors to his campaign, 62 percent of which were “large” donations of more than $200.

The law professor raised the most money – very close to $93,000 – from the Boston area. Donors from a Cambridge zip code were the most generous.

Though Harvard employees donated about $14,000, his largest source of donations was Google Inc., whose workers gave almost $21,000 to Lessig, the founder of the Creative Commons and the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School. Google employees also donated $150,000 to Mayday PAC during the 2014 election cycle.

Lessig received $75,000 in donations from retirees, who traditionally are a strong donor base for federal candidates. Grouped by industry, his second-largest source of funds, perhaps unsurprisingly, was education, which sent $40,000 his way. Besides Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was one of his top five contributors.

Brianna GurciulloBrianna Gurciullo is the fall 2015 reporting intern for OpenSecrets Blog. She recently graduated with a degree in journalism and mass communication from the George Washington University, where she served as editor in chief of the independent student newspaper, The GW Hatchet. Her work has previously been published by the Washington Post, the Center for Public Integrity and the Houston Chronicle.