Sen. D’Allesandro Reflects On 50 Years of Service With Hosts Wayne King, Garry Rayno

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Paula Tracy photo

State Sen. Lou D'Allesandro, D-Manchester, with his wife Pat at his side announcing his retirement last month.

New Hampshire Secrets, Legends & Lore Podcast

Every Day a Great American Day – Senator Lou D’Allesandro, Dean of the NH Senate. Thoughts and reflections upon his announced retirement. 

Hosts: Garry Rayno & Wayne King

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By WAYNE KING, NH Secrets, Legends and Lore

After 50 years in service to others at the State House, the last 25 as a State Senator, Democratic State Sen. Lou D’Allesandro, 85, of Manchester announced he is retiring at the end of his term.

As he retires Sen. D’Allesandro takes his place among the giants of NH politics, names like Raymond Burton, Walter Peterson, Stuart Lamprey, Warren Rudman, Caroline Gross, Susan McLane, Hugh Gallen, Donna Sytek all of whom he praises and calls his friends, irrespective of political Party.

Over the course of his life, Lou D’Allesandro has sported many titles, Captain of his UNH athletic teams, Coach of basketball teams of all ages, teacher, College President, State Representative, and now retiring “Dean” of the NH Senate, an honor bestowed upon him by his colleagues as the longest-serving Senator.

The extensive article written by’s Paula Tracy and linked below provides a much more detailed look at all this but of course our goal was to add some color to the biography of Sen. D’Allesandro through his recollections and reflections.

By Paula Tracy –
Sen. Lou D’Allesandro Retiring After Bringing Us So Many Great American Days

Host Wayne King is joined by a special cohost, veteran journalist Garry Rayno, who has extensive experience with many of the challenges faced by Senator D’Allesandro during his tenure.

Wayne D. King
64 Monroe Rd., Bath, NH 03740
603-530-4460 Cell : Productions & Studios : Fine Art



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