Union Leader Building Sells for $3.8M in Manchester

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Union Leader Building at 100 William Loeb Drive, Manchester.

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By Nancy West

MANCHESTER — The New Hampshire Union Leader building has been bought by investor Peter Levine for $3.8 million after being on the market for about four years, according to Deanna Caron of Stebbins Commercial Properties Inc.

Caron said the state’s largest newspaper will lease back space and remain in the building at 100 William Loeb Drive. Three other tenants, two of them charter schools and a distributor, will mean the building will be fully rented, Caron said.

“It’s scheduled for closing on Sept. 25,” Caron said on Saturday.

Publisher Joe McQuaid said in an email:  “Building isn’t sold. If/when that happens you can read it in the New Hampshire Union Leader.

Making Community Connections or MC2 and Mills Falls are the charter schools and Eagle Express is the distributor, Caron said.

Stebbins Commercial Properties Inc. described the building as follows:

“Full Description: One of the most iconic buildings in NH, this well maintained office/industrial facility has great versatility for many different configurations and boasts several unique features including floor loads of 4000 psi, energy efficient T8 lighting throughout, 6,000 amps of power, a generator powered energy management system and is 100% air conditioned. Located on 20.44 acres with room for expansion, the property is just off desirable East Industrial Park Drive, minutes from I-93. Space for Lease: Office 36,681 SF divisible down to 597 SF. Multi Use 13,343 SF (48′ clear). “

Disclosure: Nancy West was a reporter at the New Hampshire Union Leader for 28 years, leaving in 2014.


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