Celebrating Pets Submittal Form

Please fill out the form below to complete your pet tribute. InDepthNH.org will publish a photograph and 1,000 words or less for a fixed cost of $20. And $5 of your payment will be donated to your choice of New Hampshire charitable organizations that rescue animals!

i.e. Nancy West, or The West Family
Please provide the best phone number to reach you if we have questions or concerns regarding your tribute.
$5 will be donated to the organization of your choice.
What would you like your tribute to be titled as when displayed on InDepthNH.org's website?
This is where you will write about your pet! Please note, InDepthNH.org staff can edit, with your acceptance, any portion of the tribute that is deemed by the InDepthNH.org staff to be offensive or potentially actionable.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
The attached photograph of your pet can only be a .jpeg or a .png. If the photograph is not compatible, an InDepthNH.org staff member may try to reach out via phone.

Please allow 48 hours from the time of your submittal to see your entry posted to InDepthNH.org. If you have any questions or comments, please email us at indepthnhcelebratingpets@gmail.com.

Our mascot, Moose, is so happy to post the wonderful tribute for your pet!