Sununu Is Asked to Recuse Himself From Mount Sunapee Expansion Vote

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Gov. Chris Sununu

The New Hampshire Sierra Club and Friends of Mount Sunapee  submitted a letter to the Governor and  Councilor asking Councilor Chris Sununu to recuse himself from the proceedings concerning the Mt Sunapee State Park ski resort expansion proposal.

“We consider your significant investment and involvement in the Waterville Valley Ski Resort, as it relates to this issue, as a conflict of interest that compromises your ability to objectively participate as a member of the Executive Council,” said Catherine M. Corkery, chapter director of the New Hampshire Sierra Club in a letter dated March 31.

Reached Friday night, Sununu said he has no comment right now about the request or Wednesday’s expected Executive Council vote on the expansion plan.

“We’re still looking at all of the information and need talk to a few people,” Sununu said. “Then we’ll decide what we’re going to do Wednesday.”

The Newfields Republican is also running for governor.

Corkery’s letter reminded Sununu that he recused himself from voting on Cannon Mountain contracts, the other state park with a public ski area.

Corkery said Sununu’s voluntary recusal “has set a precedent. Your recusal in the Sunapee Mountain approval process will assure the public of your objectivity and that you have avoided any conflict of interest, be it real or perceived.”

Corkery went on to tell Sununu that: “We respect your efforts as a public servant and devoted citizen of New Hampshire.”

The Executive Council held a work session on the expansion plan Wednesday, March 30 at 2 p.m. in the Executive Council Chambers, State House, Concord. Listen to the audio from the full session.