Peirce Island Protester: ‘And it Ain’t Over Yet’

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Roger Wood

Roger Wood

A crowd of enthusiastic supporters who want to preserve the city’s Peirce Island exhibited their determination outside city hall Monday night.

As Portsmouth resident Mark Brighton said Monday night, quoting baseball legend Yogi Berra, “It ain’t over til it’s over,” adding, “And it ain’t over yet.”

He was one of many who demonstrated against what they call a “toilet,” the planned expansion of the current Peirce Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. Another resident, former City Council Esther Kennedy says she also strongly opposes the plant, as do many of her South End neighbors.

After the rally, protestors filled city hall. They were denied any verbal commentary as the City Council quickly debated the issue, with Assistant Mayor Jim Splaine casting the lone dissenting vote. He urged the council to hold off until talks could be held with the Pease Development Authority.

Mayor Jack Blalock pledged to work to bring construction material in by barge, to lessen truck traffic in the South End. For, I’m Roger Wood.