The Battle for Superdelegates, This Time, It’s Not About Money

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Troy Jackson, left, a superdelegate from Maine, with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). (Used by permission)

Troy Jackson introduced Sen. Bernie Sanders to a crowd of over 8,000 people in Portland, Maine last July. It was the “summer of Sanders.” As the candidate took the stage, he said solemnly to the exuberant crowd, “In case you didn’t notice, this is a big turnout.

“It was pretty clear where I stood then,” Jackson told OpenSecrets Blog months later. However, by that time, Jackson wasn’t just endorsing Sanders; the Maine logger and former state legislator was working for him.

When it comes time to cast his vote as a superdelegate to the Democratic Convention in July, there’s not much doubt where he’ll come down.

The race for delegates is currently playing out in primaries and caucuses around the country among presidential candidates from both parties. But, under a system started in the 1980s, Democrats have an extra pool of 712 superdelegates, so called because they, by virtue of their experience as members of Congress, state party chairs, governors and the like, are supposed to possess the wisdom to lead the Democratic party to victory by supporting electable candidates.

Each candidate wants as many of these as possible in his or her corner; the superdelegate system explains why, for instance, Clinton came away from the New Hampshire primary with just one delegate fewer than Sanders, despite taking a 22-point drubbing. Historically, the wooing — at least of those who are elected officials — has often included campaign contributions from the presidential contendors; more often than not, the donations correlated with the superdelegates’ endorsements.

This cycle, the money’s much sparser. One of the candidates — former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — has made no contributions to superdelegates in the last three election cycles, according to Center for Responsive Politics and National Institute for Money in State Politics data. Not from her own pocket, not from her leadership PAC and not from her campaign account. The lack of cash transfers is all the more surprising because she did make such contributions in the run-up to the 2008 nominating convention.

Sanders, on the other hand, has given a total of at least $159,000 to 64 superdelegates from 2010 through 2014 , almost all of it from his leadership PAC, Progressive Voters of America. (His Senate campaign committee, Sanders for Senate, threw in $2,000 to Sen. Tammy Baldwin (Wis.) in 2012). The biggest recipients have included Sen. Sherrod Brown (Ohio) ($10,000 in 2012), Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin ($10,000 in 2012), Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.) ($7,500 in 2014), Sen. Jeff Merkley (Ore.) ($7,500 in 2014) and Sen. Al Franken (Minn.) ($7,500 in 2014).

Clinton’s side has been bolstered a bit by contributions to five superdelegates fromReady for Hillary PAC, a super PAC set up to urge her to run that is not related to her campaign. It split $13,000 between five members of Congress: Franken, Rep.Ann Mclane Kuster (N.H.), Rep. David Loebsack (Iowa), Sen. Jeanne Shaheen(N.H.) and Rep. Dina Titus (Nev.). In 2014, Clinton and Sanders both contributed to Franken, McClane Kuster and Loebsack.

Superdelegate superdevotion?

Absent a gusher of donations, there often are other ties between the candidates and various superdelegates. OpenSecrets Blog found the names of a handful in the campaign spending reports of Clinton and Sanders. In the case of Sanders, it’s two self-described populists who have devoted themselves to the campaign, sounding very much like they are “feeling the Bern.” The three who turned up on Clinton’s reports were all reimbursed for fundraising expenses; the two we were able to reach indicated a more pragmatic mindset.

Jackson worked full time for Sanders as his Maine political director, earning $10,114 over the months of December and January. Since he’s a seasonal logger, he’d likely be living on unemployment otherwise, until summer logging begins, he said in an interview. But Jackson is also a major fan of Sanders’ views, including his opposition to trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership that affect his livelihood. “These trade deals kill me,” said Jackson, who’s also running for Maine’s state Senate, where he was once majority leader. “I’m sick of people negotiating on the back of my life and people I know.”

Former CWA President Larry Cohen introduces Sanders. (Used by permission)

Former CWA President Larry Cohen introduces Sanders. (Used by permission)

Former labor union president Larry Cohen also rejects the mainstream Democratic orthodoxy. When his last term as head of the Communications Workers of America ended he decided to volunteer full-time for Sanders’ campaign. He gets reimbursed for travel – $3,892 so far, according to Sanders’ expenditure report. “No meals, all economy,” Cohen said. He’s adamant about ending the superdelegate system – although he’s held a slot in it for 11 years now — because he views the “political establishment in a certain way.” Indeed, after Cohen began running CWA, the union’s contributions to the Democratic National Committee tailed off sharply.

Meanwhile, Clinton’s reports indicate that she reimbursed three superdelegates for expenses connected to fundraisers they held: Maria Cuomo Cole for $865, Jay Jacobs for $5,507 and Rajiv Fernando for $1,368. While the reimbursements were slim, the amounts raised were not. Each event had an admission fee of $2,700, and Fernando and Jacobs raised $450,000 and a little over $300,000, respectively, they each told OpenSecrets Blog.

Fernando, a securities trader, is a veteran fundraiser who met Clinton back in 2003 when he was “helping John Kerry out” with his presidential bid. “I thought George Bush was hurting our country and I wanted to do something,” he said. In 2012, he was a bundler for Obama, raising at least $500,000. His effort, combined with contributions he made to the Clinton Foundation, brought scrutiny: ABC News reported that he was appointed to the International Security Advisory Board as a fundraising perk. He quit after the network asked the State Department about his qualifications; Fernando told OpenSecrets Blog he stepped down for other reasons.

Fernando sold his company, Chopper Trading, last year, and since then has been helping Clinton.“I think she’d be the best person to take our country in the direction it needs to go – in terms of economics, foreign policy and education,” he said.

OpenSecrets Blog could not reach Cole, though she represents the kind of Democratic Party royalty — she’s the daughter of former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo — that has broken more for Clinton than for Sanders.

 Jay Jacobs gives Hillary Clinton a sweatshirt at the American Camp Association conference in March 2015. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

Jay Jacobs gives Hillary Clinton a sweatshirt at the American Camp Association conference in March 2015. (AP Photo/Mel Evans)

Jacobs, though, said his support for Clinton was about realism and bipartisanship. Sanders’ message “resonates with me,” Jacobs noted, but he also finds the senator “tremendously unrealistic and oversimplifies very serious ideas. I disagree with him about going to war with an entire segment of the economy.”

Not to mention that he’s already heavily invested in Clinton: Jacobs and his wife have a history of supporting her and her husband that goes back to President Clinton’s time in the White House. Jacobs bundled at least $500,000 for her 2008 presidential race, and has backed the Clinton Foundation to the tune of as much as $1 million. The owner of a company that runs sleepaway and day camps for kids, Jacobs last year brought Hillary to the annual conference of the American Camp Association, which paid her $260,000 for a speech before she became a 2016 candidate.

Still, even the wealthy get weary of the money machine that is politics. “It’s an extraordinary burden. I don’t enjoy fundraising, I don’t think anybody does,” Jacobs said in an interview with OpenSecrets Blog. “It’s just one of those necessary features you have to do.”

Senior Researcher Dan Auble contributed to this post.

Correction, 3/10: This post originally said Jay Jacobs paid Hillary Clinton for her speech at the American Camp Association. The fee was actually paid by the organization. We regret the error.