Councilor Kenney Lists Available Fuel Help During Arctic Cold Spell

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Executive Councilor Joe Kenney

By Executive Councilor Joe Kenney news release

Because of the Arctic cold weather, many of our citizens have broken pipes, fuel shortages or power outages. It is important to check in on your neighbors and family members to see if they need any assistance.

The State of New Hampshire has an initiative led by Granite United Way to call 2-1-1 (1-866-444-4211 out of state) in order to provide people with information on how to address their current energy needs.  Also, the Governor’s Citizen Services number is 271-2121.  

 According to the Director of Emergency Management (603-271-2231) there is no oil shortage in the state of New Hampshire.  However, there is a shortage of drivers and a slowdown in distribution.

Emergency Management is working with local emergency directors to help citizens in the worst situations to facilitate vendors or to create short-term solutions until fuel deliveries can be made later.

Community Action Programs are on alert to help low to moderate income people with fuel assistance needs  The Office of Strategic Initiatives who handles the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) can be reached at 271-2155.

ServiceLink is there to help coordinate appropriate resources: 1-866-634-9412

 Please call Executive Councilor Joe Kenney’s office: 271-3632 if you are having problems in connecting with anyone.


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