Readers Respond To Gov. Ayotte’s Press Release On NH Police Working with ICE

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Gov. Kelly Ayotte

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Thank you to all who responded to the question we asked Thursday what you thought regarding Gov. Kelly Ayotte’s press release supporting New Hampshire police officers working with ICE.

We are posting your email responses below. will often ask our readers what you think because we value your opinions and think they should be heard. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughtful responses.

“It is critical for state and local law enforcement to cooperate with federal authorities and protect our citizens. Criminals who are in our country illegally and pose a danger should be apprehended and removed. I support and encourage New Hampshire law enforcement agencies to cooperate with ICE to enforce our laws and keep our communities safe,” Ayotte said in the release.

Ayotte’s news release is here:

William Byrk of Antrim said: “In the thirty-plus years since I was admitted to practice law, I understood that immigration law enforcement was the responsibility of the Federal government.  Using state and municipal police for that purpose requires them to exercise a jurisdiction which they do not possess.”

William Politt of Weare said: “I object on two grounds:

1. It’s bad enough having ICE and CBP skulking about demanding people’s birth certificates / passports / green cards, etc.  We don’t need state law enforcement personnel playing latter-day Gestapo and demanding “papers.”

2. The proposal demonstrates Ayotte’s utterly misguided priorities.  The state has ever less money for public education, but she can somehow find the cash to expand the responsibilities of police agencies (and vouchers, but that’s for another time).”

Barry Normandeau said: “I think the State and Guv should cooperate with ICE wherever possible.”

Bill Bradford Hutchinson of Keene said: “THANK-YOU Gov. Ayotte, & Col Quinn, for pledging NH law enforcement support to ICE. President Donald J. Trump, KEEP UP the GOOD WORK, Mr. President!” He said he was a “2023 Keene Mayoral candidate, and victim of local Democrat party dirty tricks machine, and fake news published by Keene Sentinel, Nov., 2023….”

James Graham of Lyme said: “I reject Kelly Ayotte’s stance for the following reasons:

The Federal Government has failed to maintain a fair and just immigration system at the same time that it has failed to secure our borders. Governor Ayotte does not draw a distinction between actual dangerous criminals and immigrants who are here illegally as a result of a failed federal system. Creating a criminal class of people based solely on their immigration status is anti-American and dangerous for our society. Governor Ayotte should be clear about her intentions. If her administration plans to go after all people here illegally, she will be creating an economic crisis for NH resulting from the removal of an important workforce from our state.”

Dave Hurlbutt of Lancaster said: “I have a couple of questions.

 Is there actually a problem in NH with immigrants, undocumented or otherwise?

 When the federal government requires police services from the state or NH towns, is there federal money available and an intent to reimburse for these services?

 Federal and state money appears to be drying up and municipalities are finding it more difficult to meet their own needs. Unless the feds intend to provide reasonable compensation for services rendered, I think the state and towns should tell the feds to look for free assistance elsewhere.”

J. Schlaffer of Stark said: “Governor Kelly Ayotte’s news release illustrates her commitment to align New Hampshire’s response to that of Federal authorities and federal law.  Her promise to cooperate and support section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act is sensible and commendable.   Keeping NH communities safe is certainly the most important goal.  

Among the millions of illegals in the United States are international violent criminal organizations, terrorists, assassination teams, drug cartels, child traffickers, etc.    Violation of immigration law is absolutely a crime and unfortunately, what was intentionally allowed to occur and encouraged under the Biden administration.  

New Hampshire is geographically distant from the states in closer proximity to our Southern border, so it can be difficult to comprehend the magnitude and severity of what has and is actually occurring to US citizens and communities in our Southern states. My relatives in Tucson Arizona describe dramatically increased crimes ranging from stealing to home invasion, trespassing, rape and even murder. Death to due illegal drugs has escalated.  This is reality.

One of the primary reasons Trump was elected was to restore lawful entrance into the United States and the deportation of those that have broken the law by illegal entry.  Governor Kelly Ayotte accurately describes cooperation with Federal authorities as being critical as it relates to protection of our citizens.  She deserves our praise and support.”

Patrice Rasche of Canterbury said: “While I think it’s a poor use of local resources, it’s heartening to learn that our local police departments, our county sheriffs’ offices, and our State Police are so fully staffed that they have the workforce necessary to enforce federal law.  I was under the impression that most were having difficulty maintaining adequate staffing. Maybe they can find the time to enforce federal gun laws as well.”

Charlie Parry said: “Like real life, this is more complicated than partisan sound bites would lead you to believe. You have to look at each case. 

If the Feds are following the procedures specified in US law (, then yes, local and state law enforcement should cooperate.

If the Feds are ignoring or violating US law,  state and local law enforcement should NOT aid and abet their lawlessness. Note that, apparently, it is in fact, a crime to enter the US “improperly”. See”

John Ranta of Hancock said: “We are feeding hate and wasting resources, hunting down and deporting immigrants who have done nothing wrong. Trump and MAGA have used lies and bigotry to unfairly demonize immigrants, immigrants who came here for the same reasons that drew our grandparents and great-grandparents. ICE is rounding up people who have lived here for years, asking for nothing while contributing greatly to our economy and our culture. I am ashamed for what my country has become.”

Leane Garland said: “This is a terrible idea!  Dealing with immigration problems is a federal function and should not be carried out by State or local officials.  Immigrants are NOT criminals!  Many are here legally.  If not, turning a civil offense into a criminal offense is substantially escalating interventions rather than solving the problem.  Being able to use a minor offense to arrest someone and deport them is a totally inappropriate use of our local and State police forces.  They should be using their time and resources to deal with REAL criminals, whether they are citizens or not.  Leave our officers out of the immigration controversy!”

David Blair
of Harrisville said: “This measure will drive a wedge between law enforcement and the immigrant community, making our communities less safe; result in racial profiling (for instance of my small brown wife, an American citizen who comes from the Philippines); damage our communities, which thrive on trust and connection; and cost us in $ as local law enforcement is asked to devote scarce resources to an unfunded mandate.  Not to mention the legal settlements that will have to be paid to those targeted by overzealous officers. All to promote a divisive agenda built on hate and lies.  There is no invasion at the southern border, and there are almost no incidents reported at the northern border.  The Northern Border Alliance is a sham.”

Victoria Rousseau of Whitefield said: “First off, Kelly Ayotte is about the best governor so far in NH. Promises made, promises kept. She is for the safety of the people. It is critical for state and law enforcement to corporate with Federal authorities to protect our citizens. I definitely support New Hampshire Law Enforcement to go after and apprehend those who are here illegally. We need to have them removed and to reinstate the task force model, to protect our State Troopers.
We want to strengthen and have longstanding partnerships with federal state, county and municipal law enforcement agencies, including efforts of the state run Northern Border Alliance program. We are thankful for Governor Ayotte’s support and great leadership. Go: NH.”

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