Pessimism On Future Personal Finances Ebbing in NH; Majority Expect Recession Within Year

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Dr. Andrew Smith

By Andrew E. Smith, Ph.D., UNH Survey Center

DURHAM, NH – New Hampshire residents remain downbeat about their personal finances and nearly half of state residents report at least some difficulty affording basic necessities within the last year. However, Granite Staters are less pessimistic about their economic future. Compared to May, fewer people expect to be worse off financially next year or expect bad times for the state or national economies. Despite this, six in ten think the country is in a recession or is likely to enter one within the next year.

These findings are based on the latest Business and Industry Association (BIA) Report on Consumer Confidence, conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center. One thousand, seven hundred and eighty-nine (1,789) Granite State Panel members completed the survey online. In addition, 351 New Hampshire residents completed the survey after receiving an invitation via text message to complete the survey online. Overall, 2,140 individuals completed the survey between August 15 and August 19, 2024. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2.1 percent.

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