Can Criminal Complaints Be New Way to Tackle Dark Money?

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Flickr/Dave Fleet

CREW wants the Justice Department to investigate whether several individuals lied in the course of a probe of the Commission on Hope, Growth and Opportunity.

As “dark money” groups continue to devise new strategies to maximize their role in electoral politics, watchdog organizations may likewise begin exploring new measures to challenge what they see as a pattern that amounts to “the political equivalent of a hit and run.”

Last week, the Washington-based, Democratic-leaning watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a criminal complaint with the Justice Department alleging that key operatives of a conservative dark money group, the optimistically-named Commission on Hope, Growth and Opportunity, lied to federal investigators about their involvement with the group when it spent millions of dollars on TV ads in 2010. CREW’s press release announcing the complaint said that allowing organizations such as CHGO to go without reprimand will “merely create a roadmap for other groups.”

According to CREW, groups can simply follow these directions to evade any action by the Federal Election Commission:

  1. Take millions of dollars in contributions;
  2. Spend millions on campaign ads;
  3. File no reports with the FEC;
  4. Shut down “at the first sign of investigation.”

Another group, Carolina Rising — like CHGO, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit that can receive unlimited donations without revealing its donors — seems to have followed this roadmap almost to a tee.

Carolina Rising was a key player in the heated 2014 race between state legislator Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and then-Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.), which attracted anunprecedented amount of outside spending by PACs and politically active nonprofits. A single donor — Crossroads GPS, the brainchild of veteran Republican strategists Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie and one of the biggest dark money groups in operation — provided almost 99 percent of Carolina Rising’s funds, totaling $4.82 million, according to tax documents.

In turn, Carolina Rising spent nearly $4.8 million running “issue” ads in the months leading up to the election, as OpenSecrets Blog reported. Of that sum, $4.65 million went to Crossroads Media, LLC, a media services company founded by Michael Dubke; Dubke also co-founded and runs the Black Rock Group political consulting firm with Carl Forti, who doubles as the political director of American Crossroads, the similarly hefty super PAC sibling of Crossroads GPS. (Each group in this tightly knit cluster lists the same address — Suite 555 at 66 Canal Center Plaza, Alexandria, Va. — as its place of business.)

Another $72,000 went for “management services” provided by Solutions NC, Inc., which was incorporated by its sole owner, Dallas Woodhouse, mere weeks before Carolina Rising was founded — with Woodhouse as the president and treasurer.

Carolina Rising’s benefactor, Crossroads GPS, received 86 percent of its own money from just twelve anonymous donors, each of whom gave $1 million or more.

Issueless “issue” ads

On the tax form it filed with the IRS last month, Carolina Rising said it had no 2014 political activity to report, despite the millions it spent on ads benefiting Tillis. And the group told the FEC and FCC that its ads were “electioneering communications” or “issue” ads, rather than ads advocating for a candidate’s election or defeat — even though many of the group’s filings with both agencies fail to list any issue whatsoever.

The FEC took note of this in October 2014 and wrote the group requesting the titles of “issue” ads from September 12-15 and September 15-19. The title of one ad was amended from “NC TV and Cable” to read “NC TV and Cable – Better Schools” while the other filing simply reads “Autism Bill.”

The FCC filings tell a very different story.

For “issue” ads, the ad buyer for a group must specify the issue or “political matter of national importance” when buying time from a media outlet. For Carolina Rising, in many instances that issue was Thom Tillis.

fccPredictably, Democrats in the race noticed. In November 2014, the North Carolina Democratic Party filed a complaint with the FEC. But as of Dec. 3, 2015, there was no public record indicating that the case had been resolved. The current North Carolina Democratic Party executive director, Kimberly Reynolds, said she believes it is still pending.

CREW filed another complaint against the group with the IRS last month. But what might become of these mounting complaints remains an open question — the election is long over, Carolina Rising’s main operative is now executive director of the state Republican Party and the group itself is no longer active.

In other words, Carolina Rising has gone the way of the Commission on Hope, Growth and Opportunity.

A complaint of last resort

Campaign finance watchdog and advocacy groups have been pushing for enforcement action on CHGO for years. The group filed for tax-exempt status in 2010, reporting to the IRS that it was not going to spend money on politics — then proceeded to jump into the political fray.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee filed an FEC complaintagainst CHGO that year. CREW also filed complaints calling for the IRS and the FEC to investigate whether the group violated tax and campaign finance laws the same year. In 2012, CREW renewed its call for an investigation of the group.

CREW’s latest tactic — pursuing campaign finance violations by alleging criminal wrongdoing — is unorthodox, though. Typically, violations that have to do with communications classified as “electioneering communications” or “issue” ads — as CHGO’s claimed to be — don’t fall under the criminal provisions of campaign finance law. (If the ads were made “in cooperation, consultation, or in concert with, or at the request or suggestion of” a federal candidate — in other words, coordinated with the candidate — criminal penalties could apply; that was not alleged in the CHGO case.)

But any false information provided to the FEC in an investigation of possible campaign finance violations may violate federal law and warrant criminal penalties — which is the theory behind CREW’s latest complaint.

Campaign finance law experts are less optimistic. Kenneth Gross, a former FEC enforcement official who now leads the political law practice at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom in D.C., said that it’s hard to predict whether criminal complaints will be a successful means of getting at campaign finance violations.“DOJ has only pursued a limited number of cases for good reason,” he said in an interview. “The law is predominantly a civil law and should be enforced through a civil process.”

Still, Gross noted that CREW’s complaint against CHGO includes “serious allegations.”

Paul S. Ryan, deputy executive director of the Campaign Legal Center, noted in an email that CREW’s criminal complaint is based on allegations that individuals lied to the government in the course of an investigation — a somewhat unusual situation that will limit how frequently the criminal route can be pursued. “The false statements came to light because of contradictory statements made to FEC investigators,” Ryan wrote.

In view of the complicated terrain, watchdog groups may find other avenues to challenge dark money groups that appear to be operating primarily as political outfits. One possibility: Federal regulations spell out that an organization can be designated a political committee — and thus be forced to disclose its donors — if public or internal statements about its purpose or activities, as well as the organization’s spending, justify it.

What might such a statement look like?

Carolina Rising may have shown us:

$4.7 million. We did it.” — Dallas Woodhouse, Election Day 2014.