N.H. State Archives Celebrates American Archives Month with Nod to Long-term Volunteers

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For over 15 years, Susan Bryant-Kimball of Sandwich, Diane Fiske of Dover, Barry Dame of Gilford and Lillian Wise of Concord have spent almost every Tuesday morning organizing, cataloging and loading historical records on the State Archives database. 

CONCORD – The New Hampshire Secretary of State, Archives Division, is rounding off American Archives Month by recognizing its most dedicated volunteers. For over 15 years, Susan Bryant-Kimball of Sandwich, Diane Fiske of Dover, Barry Dame of Gilford and Lillian Wise of Concord have spent almost every Tuesday morning organizing, cataloging and loading historical records on the State Archives database. 

This long-term effort began in the early 2000s. Prior to that time, the Strafford County Superior Court had asked the New Hampshire State Archives to accept some of its earliest court records. These records were disorganized and inaccessible for several decades until a group of volunteers offered to help organize them. This group grew to four people whose impressive efforts continue to present day. 

These volunteers have catalogued land disputes, stolen cows and riots. They’ve read about paupers that were warned to leave town and have handled requests for release from jail, among many others. While their efforts have led them down some peculiar paths in New Hampshire’s history, their work has been clear and impactful.

Brian Burford, Acting State Archivist: “Historical records of the Strafford County area are not common, so this is an especially valuable resource. I don’t know when these records would ever have become useful to NH Citizens if it hadn’t been for these dedicated volunteers.”

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