NH Sierra Club Endorses 115 Candidates for State Office

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Some of the NH Sierra Club endorsees.

Gubernatorial Candidate Dr. Tom Sherman and More Environmental Champions Praised

CONCORD, NH—Today, the New Hampshire Chapter of the Sierra Club has released its list of carefully selected candidate endorsements for Governor, Executive Council, State Senate and State House of Representatives. The Chapter endorsements include districts for 93 NH State Representatives, 17 State Senators, 4 Executive Councilors and the statewide gubernatorial race. Of the total endorsed candidates, each has expressed concern for the New Hampshire environment, support for action on climate solutions, and the impacts of pollution on human health.

“New Hampshire Sierra Club is pleased to announce the official endorsements for the election of these Environmental Champions, including Dr. Tom Sherman for Governor,” said Jim Allmendinger, the Political Committee Co-Chair for the New Hampshire Sierra Club.

“These candidates are our best hope for preserving clean air and clean water; protecting the wild places of New Hampshire, and promoting a sustainable clean energy future,” continued Allmendinger. “The incumbents worked hard to defend against the radical climate change denying conservative agenda that threatened to dismantle smart, popular energy programs and stopped cleaner standards for landfills, climate energy planning, and social justice-informed approaches for state programs. The new candidates showed their support for key environmental issues facing the state, using creative problem-solving techniques that will move New Hampshire toward a more progressive clean energy future.”

“New Hampshire Sierra Club endorsed these candidates based on responses to an in-depth questionnaire, voting record, and history of environmental involvement. The New Hampshire Sierra Club endorsement list will be distributed to the Sierra Club Members in the state online and in the mail. Members will be encouraged to volunteer and support the various campaigns in a vigorous statewide member to member outreach program” Allmendinger said.

The Sierra Club is committed to promoting clean energy solutions to move the state beyond dirty fossil fuels like coal, oil and expensive nuclear power, and towards a safe, clean energy future built on energy efficiency, clean energy, and American innovation. Since our founding in 1892 nationally and as a state chapter in 1990, the Sierra Club has protected America’s wild places and wildlife. In addition, the Club works to protect public health and ensure safe and healthy communities that are free of toxic air and water pollution for all. The Sierra Club and its over 3.8 million members and supporters nation-wide work to support candidates who share these values.

Complete List of Candidates: https://www.sierraclub.org/new-hampshire/2022-state-house-endorsements

To see entire Oct 24, 2022 press conference: https://youtu.be/CgMGGL9PBWs

See below for select candidate statements (see attachment):

NH State Senate

Edith Tucker1603-466-5425We have an unprecedented opportunity to teach Granite Staters and other New Englanders about the importance of our natural resources, ensuring that everyone is imbued with the spirit of stewardship and understands the importance of the out-of-doors.
Kate Miller2603-491-6913I welcome the endorsement of the Sierra Club and applaud their commitment to the maintenance of the natural resources that make NH such a unique state.  Our lakes and streams, hiking trails and clean air must never be compromised.  The Sierra Club’s work toward that end makes them a true state champion.
Bill Marsh3603-569-6382The Ossipee aquifer is an important local issue and I’m continuing to work to protect it.
David Watters4603-969-9224It is an honor to be recognized by the Sierra Club in our shared fight on the climate crisis to move to renewable energy, protect our environment and wildlife, mitigate the effects of the rising sea levels and ensure environmental and social justice guides our work.
Suzanne Prentiss5603-381-9195I am honored to once again be endorsed by the Sierra Club.  Together with residents of District 5 I honor a commitment to clean, safe air, and water as well as the preservation of NH’s lands.
Richard LOBBAN7603-744-6484NH Senatorial Candidate joins others putting 170 acres in the Lakes Region into Conservation Trust forever.
Becky Whitley15802-249-0117I’m so honored by the endorsement from the NH Sierra Club. We live in a state full of incredible natural beauty, which is integral to our health and economy.  Yet we have fallen behind our fellow New England states when it comes to preserving our environment and taking meaningful action on climate change. I look forward to working with the NH Sierra Club this legislative session on clean and renewable energy solutions, zero waste policies, increasing renewable energy and efficiency programs in New Hampshire, and setting targets for cutting dangerous carbon pollution.
Wayne Haubner22603-600-8596People are my priority, not extremist political games
Brenda Oldak23603-770-8915I will work to preserve and protect New Hampshire’s natural resources because it is our responsibility to safeguard our health, our economy, tourism, and our ecosystem now and for future generations.
Debra Altschiller24603-686-1234I am so proud to have the endorsement of the NH Sierra Club, who knows that being in community means protecting and preserving our natural resources. We are connected to the flora, fauna, wildlife and water sources of our beautiful state. The care of our environment is paramount to our ability to thrive. 

House Candidates by County

Belknap County

NAMEPhone numberDistrict NumberStatement
David Huot603-630-03553We cherish our natural resources!!!
Sheryl Anderson603-998-92713The climate crisis requires a swift and decisive response. New Hampshire currently has no plan to end its reliance on fossil fuel. If elected, climate will be a top priority.
Patrick Wood603.630.91915Protecting our environment is protecting our future! Thank you, Sierra Club.
Don House508-344-46128I’m honored and proud to have earned the endorsement of the Sierra Club.  One of the reasons I live in New Hampshire is because I enjoy many outdoor activities. I value a clean environment.  We need to preserve our environment for future generations.  The work of the Sierra Club is vital to preserving the quality of the air we breathe and the water we drink.  I look forward to working with them in the State House.

Carroll County

ANITABURROUGHS603-986-62162I am proud to have an endorsement from the Sierra Club of NH which works tirelessly for environmental protections and to support clean energy policy in the Granite State.
GabrielleWatson1617-875-63913It’s time to cut energy costs and grow jobs in NH by accelerating investments in our clean energy future.
PeacoTodd617-909-56963Protecting our aquifers, rivers and lakes, mountains, forests and meadows — that mosaic of beauty that defines this place — is the paramount struggle of my lifetime.

Cheshire County

PhilipJones603-499-86483As a long-time Keene City Councilor, I am proud of the many energy, climate, and environmental policies that we have brought forward. In 2004 while serving as a chairman of the Cities for Climate Protection Committee I had the honor of introducing the city’s first Climate Action Plan which lead the way to other New Hampshire communities adopting similar plans.  I am proud to serve on the board of directors for Pathways for Keene a non-profit organization with the sole purpose of raising funds to build and maintain alternative use trails throughout the city of Keene.
LucyWeber603-499-02825Preservation of our unique New Hampshire environment impacts all aspects of our lives as NH citizens–our health, our way of life, and most of all, the future of our children and grandchildren.  I am honored to be endorsed by the NH Sierra Club, and look forward to working together as we look to the future.

Grafton County

WilliamBolton60323618128For decades, my family and I have lived in New Hampshire, and we are all energized by the beauty of our state. We all take advantage of the natural resources that our home offers us. We hike, bike, ski, canoe, and in turn, I am politically involved in protecting and enhancing our environment through my many years on our Town’s Select board and my leadership on the Pemigewasset River Advisory Committee. When elected, I will bring this focus with me to the NH Legislature.

Hillsborough County

JohnFitzgerald978-575-41702I am so proud and happy to have earned the endorsement of The Sierra Club of New Hampshire.  I look forward to working with these stewards of New Hampshire’s beautiful spaces to preserve and promote our wild areas for future generations.
David E.Cote 3“STATEMENT OF REP. DAVID E. COTE  “I am gratified and honored to receive today the endorsement of the New Hampshire Sierra Club.  Its work has never been more important to our survival than in these days of climatological disaster the world over.   Unfortunately, New Hampshire has its share of climate deniers.  It is a great honor to receive the endorsement of an organization whose leaders have included such great environmentalists as John Muir, William O. Douglas, and David Brower, and the endorsement is greatly appreciated.”
CarrySpier60386043856Our environment must be protected for our children and all living creatures that inhabit our world.  Not doing so may result in our eventual extinction.
SherryDutzy60355755996Now is the time for all citizens to come to the aid of democracy. Please VOTE!
SUZANNEVAIL603-234-07046Clean water is a human right. We can no longer tolerate a business climate that thrives at the expense of NH’s safe drinking water.
catherinesofikitis603-718-09457I am fighting hard for clean water, proper scientific landfill siting, environmental Justice, pollinator protection, and against the proposed asphalt plant in Nashua on Temple Street.
MatthewMcLaughlin603-682-57989If elected I look forward to working with the Sierra Club on issues relating to climate and the environment.
LindaHarriott-Gathright603-880-453710“Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.”  Maya Angelou
LauraTelerski603-320-395711I am honored to receive the Sierra Club endorsement and will continue to work to preserve the beauty of our state for everyone to enjoy.
WillDarby603-891-286511Supporting New Hampshire’s beautiful natural gifts so future generations inherit a healthy and clean environment.
WendyThomas603-494-385112Our environment is intimately connected to our health.  We must protect our environment at all costs and we must hold industrial polluters accountable for the damage they have caused to our communities. 
DavidPreece1603669997417Protecting our natural resources and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions is essential for our survival.
JessicaGrill603566613218I am proud to be endorsed by the NH Sierra Club. Our state’s natural beauty has brought many people to the Granite State, whether to visit or live, and I want to ensure future generations have the chance to grow up enjoying the outdoors like I did. I look forward to advocating for sustainable energy independence, clean air and water, and protections for outdoor spaces as a member of the NH House.
HeidiHamer603-860-794919I believe in Science, therefore I want to maintain a livable planet for all.
PatriciaCornell603-868-461922I always endorse and vote for legislation that will lead to a clean energy economy, fight for clean air and water. I oppose bills that are harmful to and destroy the quality of our environment.
DonaldBouchard1603-622-038824I will continue to support legislation that produces economic growth while protecting our environment. We can create good jobs and preserve our climate as well as our natural resources. I believe we need to invest in energy efficiency and renewable energy resources.
DanielVeilleux207-653-443034It is an honor to be endorsed by such a great organization as the New Hampshire Sierra club. Preserving New Hampshire is natural beauty and wildlife for future. Generations is always a top priority. I will continue to help support the development of alternative energy sources and the protection of our most valuable resources.
JenniferMorton603-318-154834New Hampshire needs to do a better job of prioritizing investment in renewable energy sources which will help ensure a healthy environment for future generations.
MaryHeath603.860.141341The environment is a priority for me and I am so honored to be endorsed by the NH Sierra Club
JacquelineChretien603-289-680841Preserving the natural resources and livability of the state for future generations was one of the reasons that I first wanted to run for office, and I’ve been really lucky to serve on committees that have let me have direct impact here. I’m honored to have the Sierra Club’s endorsement and hope to keep working together closely on our shared goals.
KarenRoach603487105842Like the Sierra Club, I support preserving and protecting the natural resources and environment in our beautiful state, our country and our world.

Merrimack County

ScottBurns603-203-77273It is my great pleasure to be endorsed by the NH Sierra Club. 
RebeccaMcWilliams603-227-649430New Hampshire is a jewel. We love our lakes and rivers, forests and trails. I am working with the Sierra Club to ensure that we keep our environment clean and hold polluters accountable for the next generation of Granite Staters.

Rockingham County

ElizabethGreenberg(585)472-045813As Wendell Berry said, “The earth is what we all have in common”. As a lifelong lover of the outdoors—a camper, hiker, kayaker, swimmer- I am truly honored to have received the endorsement of the Sierra Club!
CraigCunningham603-965-152213I am committed to protecting NH’s drinking water and our pristine environment.  It is important to our health, and our economy. 
RobinVogt603-969-572021I want to thank the incredible organizers and leaders at the New Hampshire Sierra Club for their endorsement. It’s time to push climate action through the halls of our state legislature. We will link arms and move the Granite State forward for the betterment of all those that call the Seacoast home.
BonnieWright603-722-071425I believe in the “7th Generation Principle” taught by Native Americans: “With every decision, we must consider how it will affect our descendants seven generations into the future.” I believe that this applies to every decision we make, but especially to our environment. I look forward to continuing to work with NH Sierra Club as we work to make our world a better place for our grandchildren’s grandchildren.
NeilMisra603-339-982425New Hampshire’s natural environment is its most precious resource. We must fight to create a clean climate future for our state by transitioning to renewable energy sources. By diversifying our energy portfolio, we can protect our environment AND lower energy costs for Granite State families.
DavidMeuse603-957-843637Thank you @NHSierraClub for your endorsement. Looking forward to continuing to work together for clean air, safe water, climate action, and protection of our vibrant natural world and the people who depend on it.

Strafford County

PamelaHubbard(603) 332-40932We are the stewards of this planet and it is our duty to protect this trust for further generations.  With climate change presenting a fearsome picture of what might happen if we fail, we must do our utmost to make the best decisions possible to ensure the planet’s future
MatthewTowne160376799904Nothing, absolutely nothing, is as important as protecting the Earth we all live on.
LorenSelig603953364110We must work to restore our environment in order to protect our future.
JackieCilley603-664-559718I am honored to have received the Sierra Club of NH’s endorsement for State Representative of Strafford District 18, encompassing the communities of Barrington, Strafford, Middleton and New Durham. I am aligned with the NHSC’s recognition and acknowledgement that preserving the natural environment must be inclusive of the values of economic, social, and environmental justice. Vibrant forests as well as clean water and clean air rely upon a strong, healthy, and well-informed society.

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