Volunteers Search Swampy Area in Manchester for Missing Harmony Montgomery

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Jeffrey Hastings

Volunteers searched Saturday for missing girl in Manchester.


MANCHESTER, NH – A group of volunteers joined together on the West Side of Manchester to search for missing 7-year-old Harmony Montgomery.
The group of about a dozen people searched a wooded area off Harvell Street, which is where Adam Montgomery, Harmony’s father, was found living with his girlfriend in a car.
The wet, swampy and heavy grown area is located just a few yards from the parking lot where his vehicle was parked. The volunteers used walking sticks to brush leaves aside and look for potential clues to help solve the case. 
Harvell Street is a short distance from a Gilford Street address where Harmony was last seen more than two years ago. Nothing was apparently found after multiple days of searching the backyard of the house.
Signs stapled to utility poles, with purple ribbons were next to the area being searched.

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Manchester Police was aware of the search, however this was not part of any law enforcement operation.

The reward for the location of Harmony was recently raised to $150,000 with a donation from a Nashua woman. Anyone with information about Harmony should call or text the dedicated tip line, monitored 24/7, at 603-203-6060.

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