There are wonderful things about March: Saint Patrick’s Day, Daylight Savings, Easter on occasion, the melting of snow.
Today I muse joyfully on the month that is often overlooked, the refrigerator light of the year, the month that while industrious, is not nearly as snowboaty as May or July – or even December.
March is the middle child of the year and, being a middle child, I know what that’s like – “Hey, look at me, I’m worthy, too,” says March and while March very often has Mardi Gras as well as the aforementioned Saint Patrick’s Day, March is often forgotten. Lent falls in March and, well, Lent is about as spectacular, as colorful as a colonoscopy.
It’s in March that buds whisper on trees, the birds are not yet in full chorus but they are doing their auditions.
There are still blizzards and snowstorms, but the ground does not stay white for long; the mud melts on the ground. March adjectives include gritty, muddy, salty.
March’s grit stands out, just as the middle child pushes through, clamors on. March is grit and determination to make it through, to plod on, to set the path for April, for spring.
March. March. March. Just the month’s name plods on. March. March. March.
And soon it will be the lion departing, the lamb taking the place of the roar. A gentleness will prevail.
And, dear musers, as you plod through March, celebrate your endurance and grit. And if you are a middle child, trudge on, dear one, trudge on. March will and so will you.