Sometimes when I cannot sleep, I imagine I am on a talk show getting interviewed. I fall asleep contemplating my answers, wondering, “Should I have changed that up?” But the questions tend to bring on slumber, tend to allow me to stop some of the chatter in my mind, tend to allow some rest.
I muse joyfully that you, too, may find these questions allow you to return to sleep, to pause in the stimuli of life, to close your eyes and contemplate some of the questions that, ideally, will bring you deep, deep slumber.
#1- What is your favorite kitchen utensil?
Well, I’m a fan of the spatula. I just like saying, “spatula” as that “t” becomes a “ch” and that’s kind of fun. We have about four in our house but, now that I’m thinking, we also have some great wooden spoons. I have one wooden spoon I used to make Thanksgiving dinner last November. I like to picture Pilgrim Billy Bradford stirring the mashed potatoes at the first Thanksgiving. It’s old, it’s wooden, it has that cauldron kind of vibe.
OK, favorite kitchen utensil: that wooden spoon because using it just makes me laugh at the thought of Billy making the mashed potatoes. “Do we need more butter here?”
#2 – If you could marry one man from a television show, who would it be?
Toss up: Coach Taylor, Friday Night Lights or John Walton of Walton’s Mountain. When I asked this question years ago to my friend, Gina, she responded, “Andy Griffith and Spock combined.” That still kills me. “That ain’t logical, Captain Kirk!” Gina loved the kindness of Andy, the intellect of Spock. I’m not sure where Aunt Bee fits in, but I suspect she’d be in their household – though I wonder how she’d get along with Spock. I don’t think he’d be bowled over by her pies.
But Coach Taylor, “Clear eyes, full heart, can’t lose.” I would not be a fan of hosting football dinners and I probably would not attend all those football games, but Coach wouldn’t mind. And John Walton? He’s just a solid wooden spoon kind of a guy.
#3 – You’re on death row. What’s your last meal?
Easy. A Kosher hot dog with mustard, a Diet Coke and salt and vinegar chips. Dessert? A Ring Ding and a glass of milk.
#4 – What is the meaning of life?
A great cup of tea, laughing so hard you cry and a long, beautiful sleep.
Good night all. I muse joyfully you may rest peacefully but not rest in peace….just yet.
Susan Dromey Heeter is a writer from Dover who recently let her hair go au natural white. Writing has been her passion since her English majoring days at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Dromey Heeter has lived in The Netherlands, Alaska and currently basks in all things New England, including the frigid winters. An avid swimmer, Dromey Heeter’s great passion is to bring back body surfing as most children have no idea how to ride waves without ridiculous boogie boards.
The opinions expressed are those of the writer. takes no position on politics, but welcomes diverse opinions. email