Hello, Joyful Musers! You are home! How fun. Busy? Musing joyfully on house projects? Cleaning out those bathroom cabinets? Yes, neither am I.
Alas, dear musers, I do have suggestions for ways by which you may utilize this time both efficiently as well as educationally.
Many of you are experiencing “Distance Learning.” As an educator myself, married to an educator, mother to a sophomore in college as well as a high school junior, we are transforming our house into Heeter University.
Our campus has dorms, of course, formerly referred to as bedrooms. Our dining hall, once known as the kitchen, is now referred to as Luc Hall. The dining hall is our 14-year-old border collie/lab’s favorite place on campus; it seems only right to name it after him. The dedication ceremony involved cheese.
The movie theatre shows quite a few current films though often there is heated discussion over what to show. Foreign films quite often get the thumbs down while Brooklyn 99 has been quite popular. The chairs are comfortable and they often double as beds as well as dining spots.
The library is very popular as well. Currently, we have a quiet reading chair as well as a computer. Luc often naps in here as he finds the Dining Hall can get quite loud. We have been admonished to “mute ourselves” when there is live streaming going on. I am not quite sure as I think everything I say and sing should be broadcast but the coeds grow tired of my commentary. Huh.
Our study abroad programs include two venues: one is the basement; the other the tent soon to be set up in the backyard.
The basement is where students travel to find artifacts including Halloween costumes from 2002, mugs, pictures that have molded and ski wear that the coeds of Heeter U have long outgrown. The goal of this study abroad program is to “GO THROUGH YOUR SHIT.” We have sweatshirts made with this theme. Oh, such fun. The response has been terrific. Yay! A field trip to the basement AGAIN! Glorious.
The study abroad tent is currently surrounded by, um, Luc artifacts. Our grounds crew left weeks ago, so part of our work/study program is collecting the Luc droppings and disposing of them in a fashion that aligns with our environmental program. Our study abroad tent will be outfitted with a simple cot and a fire pit. Heeter U provides an authentic experience of study abroad; toilet paper will be provided for an extra fee.
Finally, our gym will include a ping pong table and distance walking maps. Our theme is “GET OUTSIDE” and so far, it’s been a hit.
Keep posted, Joyful Musers, for more information about Heeter University and do share YOUR Distance Learning ideas and experiences. We’ve got a lecture you may join in on next Tuesday. It’s called, “Where did Mom get all these Pyrex Dishes?” Seating is limited and tickets will go FAST.
Stay well. Wash your hands. Muse joyfully on this wonderful life.
Susan Dromey Heeter is a writer from Dover who recently let her hair go au natural white. Writing has been her passion since her English majoring days at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Dromey Heeter has lived in The Netherlands, Alaska and currently basks in all things New England, including the frigid winters. An avid swimmer, Dromey Heeter’s great passion is to bring back body surfing as most children have no idea how to ride waves without ridiculous boogie boards.
The opinions expressed are those of the writer. takes no position on politics, but welcomes diverse opinions. email