Poll: Granite Staters Divided in Expectations for Second Trump Presidency; Negative On Biden

Paula Tracy photo

Former President Donald Trump signs Maga hats outside the NH State House in Concord where he filed the paperwork to run in New Hampshire's first-in-the-nation primary in 2023.

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By Andrew E. Smith, Ph.D., UNH

DURHAM, NH – Granite State Republicans and Democrats are divided in their feelings about Donald Trump’s election – most Republicans are enthusiastic but most Democrats are angry.

Trump is more personally popular in the state than at any time since Fall 2020. New Hampshire residents expect Trump will succeed in carrying out some of his campaign promises.

 For complete press release and detailed tabular results, please click:


Biden End Presidency Underwater Among Granite Staters

DURHAM, NH – New Hampshire residents have largely negative feelings toward Joe Biden’s performance as president, as more than half believe he was below average or one of the worst presidents.

 Only four in ten approved of his handling of his job in the final month of his presidency, having lost considerable support among Independents compared to the beginning of his term in office.

 For complete press release and detailed tabular results, please click:


 These findings are based on the latest Granite State Poll, conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center. Overall, 1,280 New Hampshire residents completed the survey online between January 16 and January 20, 2025. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2.7 percent.

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