Want to Know What’s Happening at InDepthNH.org ZOOM Us Dec. 18

These are just some of the amazing people who helped bring InDepthNH.org into our 10th year. Nancy West at the top. From left each line: Roger Wood, George Liset, Susan Dromey Heeter, Michael Davidow and Ani Freedman. Line 2: Garry Rayno, Wayne King, Paula Tracy, Montana West, Mike Marland. Line 3: Damien Fisher, Monica West, John Harrigan, Arnie Alpert, and Michael Ferber.

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Want a preview of what’s coming in the next legislative session? Garry Rayno will tell you.  Paula Tracy will fill you in what she is working on now and for the new year. Nancy West will update you on what’s new at InDepthNH.org and why we are sending out two daily newsletters. Don’t miss it. Coming very very soon. Wednesday, Dec. 18 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. — Thanks. Nancy West We will email you the Zoom link tomorrow. What a year it’s going to be.

Hope you can make it.: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/join-garry-rayno-paula-tracy-nancy-west-as-they-talk-local-news-tickets-1114864663219?aff=oddtdtcreator

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