Friends of InDepthNH – Join us at the Polish Princess Bakery, Lancaster, NH Dec. 11

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We'll see you Dec. 11 at the Polish Princess in Lancaster at 5:30 p.m. From left Paula Tracy, Nancy West and Barbara Tetreault.

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Join us as we start our new free group, Friends of InDepthNH who will help us ensure the continuation of our nonprofit, nonpartisan news site and have some fun doing it.


Date and time

Wednesday, December 11 · 5:30 – 7pm EST


Polish Princess Bakery, 73 Main Street Lancaster, NH 03584


About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

New Hampshire’s online news source is expanding its news coverage in the North Country and we’d like to hear what you have to say. Please be a Friend of by joining us at one of Lancaster’s premiere eateries, The Polish Princess. We will provide light refreshments.

Join us on Wednesday, December 11, at 5:30 PM EST for an evening of connection and celebration. This in-person event will bring together supporters of to discuss important issues facing local journalism and how we can ensure the continuation of our nonprofit, nonpartisan news site.

Founder Nancy West will answer your questions about bootstrapping, working to ensure its continuity, and getting ready for our 10th anniversary next September 2025.

Friends of‘s goals include helping us spread the word about our work, asking your friends to sign up for our free newsletter, and raising money.

We invite the public to join Friends of to work with like-minded people who care about the future of news. Mark your calendars and we’ll see you there!

For more about Friends of InDepthNH click here:


Nancy West, founder of the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism which publishes is a founding member of the Alliance of Nonprofit News Outlets (ANNO). Nancy West founded the nonprofit New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism in April 2015. West is the publisher and executive editor of the center’s investigative news website West has won many awards for investigative reporting during her 30 years at the New Hampshire Union Leader. She is a longtime member of the Institute for Nonprofit News where she previously served on the board of directors. She has taught investigative journalism at the New England Center for Investigative Reporting’s summer program for pre-college students at Boston University. West is passionate about government transparency. West was the recipient of the Michael Donoghue Freedom of Information Award given by the New England First Amendment Coalition (NEFAC) on June 1, 2023, in Boston.

PAULA TRACY,’s Senior Reporter’s senior reporter, Paula Tracy, received numerous awards, including the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award. Paula worked for the Union Leader for 25 years before coming to in 2018. Her IHOP, In The Hallways of Power video series, shows the depth of her compassion for reporting the news by talking every week with people from around New Hampshire who come to the State House and Legislative Office Building in Concord about why they show up at the State House and voice their opinion.

BARBARA TETREAULT, Member Board of Directors

Barbara Tetreault is a North Country native who has spent over 45 years covering the region she calls home. Her career started as an intern at the Coos County Democrat during college breaks. Over the years, she has worked for various newspapers including 28 years with the Berlin Sun, where she retired as managing editor. Tetreault has covered the closing of the region’s paper industry and ongoing efforts to create a new economy. She enjoys writing about the region’s history and the people who live there. She continues to work as a stringer for the Berlin Sun.

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