Friends of You Know You Wanna and We Need You

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Courtney Lewis, the Chief of Growth Programs at the Institute for Nonprofit News, was the guest speaker Tuesday evening at Friends of Thanks Courtney!

Thanks for joining us Tuesday evening from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. to find out how we all can help save local news. That’s our mission at the New Hampshire Center of Public Interest Journalism. email me at or call 603-738-5635.

Courtney Lewis of the Institute for Nonprofit News gave a terrific overview of our upcoming NewsMatch fundraiser where all donations up to $1,000 will be doubled and any donation more than $1,000 will be announced as a Local Match. Nancy West spoke about why she, her son Montana West and friend Bob Charest founded the New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism in 2015. Steve Taylor shared his vast experience in everything from his journalism days to becoming Commissioner of Agriculture to his farming days. He is still milking cows when not serving on our board of directors.

Tying us altogether, not literally, was Beverly Stoddart, an awesome author and speaker who also serves on our board.

Friends of’s goals include helping us spread the word about the work we do, asking your friends to sign up for our free newsletter, and raising money. You will help grow Friends of Below some of the things we hope you will do. Let’s make it fun. That’s how we do it at, the future of news. It’s Free! It’s Fun. We need a party. Help plan it. Barbara Tetreault and Lucy Wyman, two other board members, will work with volunteer Linda Griebsch as point people for Friends of We’re all in it to save local news.

Call Nancy West at 603-738-5635 or email and watch our website daily for information. NewsMatch doubles your donation starting Nov. 1. To build our business component, we aim to build a $500,000 budget this year. With your help we can do that! Thanks. Nancy West

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