Carroll County F&G Commissioner Price Resigns Before Council Hearing

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Paula Tracy photo

Fish and Game Col. Kevin Jordan is pictured speaking at the June 18 hearing. Commissioner Susan Price is pictured with her attorney William Woodbury. Members of the Fish and Game Commission pictured to Jordan's right are Paul DeBow of Grafton County, Bruce Temple of Sullivan County and Ray Green of Rockingham County.


CONCORD – Saying she sees “no fair or reasonable path forward to adequately defend herself” at a hearing before the Executive Council Wednesday on whether to suspend her for the rest of her term, Fish and Game Commissioner Susan Price resigned as the Carroll County commissioner.

On June 18, members of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission voted 8-1 to recommend disciplinary action against the Moultonborough Republican for violating a law that prohibits commissioners from discussing personnel matters. 

She was appealing the “interim order,” which recommends Gov. Chris Sununu and the five-member Executive Council suspend her.

Executive Councilor Joe Kenney, R-Wakefield, said while Price may have made the last minute decision to quit, he thinks the council still needs to hold the meeting, given it was publicly posted.

The action followed allegations Price told the department’s human resources officer she was going to become interim executive director of the department in August and would then clean house by addressing an issue she has with Col. Kevin Jordan and his wife, Lisa, who are both classified employees working together.

Jordan brought the matter forward as a violation of a law that forbids commissioners for interfering with personnel issues within the department. 

Price denies that she ever spoke to the human resources officer about terminating or relocating the couple.

Sununu, a Republican who is not seeking re-election, nominated Price, a Republican, in 2021.

New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission members are appointed by the Governor, in consultation with the NH Executive Council. There are 11 members, one from each county in the state, plus one representing the coastal area.

The commissioners acted as a jury in the matter and the verdict did not need to be unanimous to carry forward to the council table.

On Tuesday, Jordan said: “Just very happy to have this behind us so we can move forward in a positive direction to address the more important challenges facing the our Agency. 

  “The facts in this matter are very clear in the final 52-page Commission Findings of Facts and the findings contained in this report represent an accurate depiction of what actually occurred here.

“I am pleased the staff was found to be credible as I know we are fortunate enough to be working with some of the most dedicated state employees within our state and I am satisfied that this was proven during this process,” Jordan said.

The 52-page Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendations for Disciplinary Action were approved by all other members but Sullivan County Commissioner Bruce Temple.

The matter was to resume July 29 at 9 a.m. or earlier with Price’s attorney William Woodbury expected to outline errors of procedure as a basis for reconsideration.

In her letter to Gov. Sununu, dated July 8, Price said she clearly remains under the same constraints as in the hearing on “my ability to present a full and fair defense due to the risks to myself and other members of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission…who may be present for violating” the same law she is charged with.

“The above situation places me in the untenable position of being unable to fully and fairly defend myself against the charges…,” she wrote.

But she concluded she would be willing to serve the public in another form or setting in the future.

“Our family is well dedicated to public service for the public good, not for title or prestige, or fostering a personal agenda, as unfortunately, so often some appear to be. I am confident that as one door closes, another one will open and I will again be offered the opportunity to use my talents to serve,” she wrote the governor.

Jordan, who is chief of law enforcement and a long-time member of the department, said in June he was thankful to the commissioners for believing the department employees and said he was sorry he had to bring it forward, but could not let the matter stand.

In a May 24 email to, Jordan said, “I would only say I was very happy that our staff here were considered as truthful here in their testimony that to me is very important.  I feel they were victims, and this helps to prove they are good employees who told the truth.  And finally, we are sorry the Commission and the Agency were exposed to this issue at all.”

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