Poll: NH Primary: Easy To Vote and Accurately Counted, Support for First-in-the-Nation Amendment

Dr. Andrew Smith

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By Andrew E. Smith, Ph.D.

UNH Survey Center

DURHAM, NH – Voters in the 2024 New Hampshire presidential primary overwhelmingly think it was very easy to vote and two-thirds are very con?dent that their vote was accurately counted.

 Less than a quarter of Granite Staters feel that voter fraud is a serious problem in the state but nearly half feel it is a serious problem in the United States overall.

Two-thirds of New Hampshire residents support the state law requiring the New Hampshire primary to be first in the nation and a small majority support a constitutional amendment requiring the New Hampshire primary to be ?rst.

These findings are based on the latest Granite State Poll, conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center.

 One thousand, four hundred, and forty-eight (1,448) Granite State Panel members completed the survey online between February 15 and February 19, 2024. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 2.6 percent.

For complete press release and detailed tabular results, please click:


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