NH AFL-CIO Bans Press from Labor Day Breakfast To Make it ‘Feel Homey’

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NH AFL-CIO Facebook photo

By NANCY WEST, InDepthNH.org

The New Hampshire AFL-CIO’s Labor Day Breakfast banned the press from covering Monday morning’s event at the DoubleTree Armory Ballroom in Manchester.

Democratic Congressman Ro Khanna of California was an advertised guest and Sean M. O’Brien, the General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, was the keynote speaker.

The sold-out event was hosted by NH AFL-CIO president Glenn Brackett, who did not return an email seeking comment about why the event was closed to the press, and Alan Raff.

Raff, State Director at New Hampshire Labor Unity Table, texted InDepthNH.org after we posed the question on Twitter.

Raff said he missed InDepthNH.org’s call because he was still cleaning up after the event at the Doubletree in Manchester.

“The event was closed to the press because it was our first time in a new venue and wanted to make the event feel homey for members when it was our first time not at Saint Georges. Next year, hopefully we will be able to do it again there and have the press cover it. Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend,” Raff said.

Twitter showcased photos and comments by many Democratic leaders who either spoke at or attended the breakfast.

The Teamsters posted parts of O’Brien’s speech on Twitter: “There’s no question we need to increase labor density in this country, and we are building and experiencing a labor climate right now in the United States to make that happen.

“Unions and all working people must band together, find new and creative ways to lift each other up, and stand firm in our commitment and resolve to take on Corporate America,” O’Brien said.

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