AG Joins Enforcement Actions Against Two Alleged Illegal Robocallers

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Gov. Chris Sununu swears in his former legal counsel John Formella as Attorney General in April 2021.

Attorney General John M. Formella today announced the national Anti-Robocall Litigation Task Force is moving to enforce compliance with Civil Investigative Demands (CIDs) issued to two voice service providers over alleged involvement in illegal robocalls.

“Robocalls are unlawful and abusive. Granite Staters and all Americans should be protected from harassing, illegal schemes, and unwanted invasions of privacy,” said Attorney General Formella. “If the telecom industry won’t police itself, then as we have promised, our national Task Force will take action.” 

The targets of the investigation are Michael Lansky LLC — doing business as Avid Telecom — and One Eye LLC. The national task force is enforcing CIDs against each entity. Fifty-one attorneys general participate in the national task force.

The enforcement action against Avid Telecom details several instances in which the task force believes Avid Telecom knowingly accepted and routed illegal robocalls. Further, the task force believes Avid Telecom’s CEO, Michael Lansky, helped another telecom provider hide its suspect traffic.

The enforcement action against One Eye details how an individual named Prince Anand closed another voice service provider, PZ Telecommunication LLC, and became the apparent CEO of One Eye. This transition occurred after the Federal Communications Commission sent PZ Telecom a cease-and-desist letter.

One Eye has stopped responding to the task force, and Avid has refused to answer the CID. The State of Indiana has moved to enforce these CIDs in Marion County.

The task force, through evidence detailed in the enforcement actions, believes it has a reasonable basis for investigating Avid Telecom and One Eye.

According to the National Consumer Law Center and Electronic Privacy Information Center, more than 33 million scam robocalls are made to Americans every day. These scam calls include fraudsters posing as the Social Security Administration, Amazon and employers offering work opportunities.

Fraudsters stole an estimated $29.8 billion through scam calls in 2021. The task force is focused on shutting down the gateways that profit off this illegal scam traffic.

Attorney General Formella offers the following tips to avoid scams and unwanted calls:

  • Be wary of callers who specifically ask you to pay by gift card, wire transfer, or cryptocurrency. For example, the Internal Revenue Service does not accept iTunes gift cards.
  • Look out for prerecorded calls from imposters posing as government agencies. Typically, the Social Security Administration does not make phone calls to individuals.
  • If you suspect fraudulent activity, immediately hang up and do not provide any personal information.
  • Contact our Consumer Protection Bureau at 1-888-468-4454, (603) 271-3641, or via email at:

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