Watch Dr. Tom Sherman and Gov. Chris Sununu’s Third Debate Here

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Gov. Chris Sununu and Dr. Tom Sherman square off Monday at Saint Anselm College for their third debate with Scott Spradling asking the questions.

The Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce held the third debate between Republican Gov. Chris Sununu and Dr. Tom Sherman, his Rye Democratic challenger on Monday at Saint Anselm College.

You can watch the full debate here

Sherman sent out a news release saying he made clear that Gov. Chris Sununu’s mismanagement is forcing Granite Staters to pay the cost.

The release said: Sununu had to send back $19 million in rental assistance during a housing crisis because he failed to spend it properly, and jeopardized tens of millions more. He vetoed bipartisan bills that would have expanded our energy options, and now ratepayers are paying double. Sununu cut overall education funding and signed into law a taxpayer subsidy for private and religious schools that’s $10 million over budget. And he signed into law an abortion ban that jeopardizes women’s reproductive and economic freedoms. 

Sununu declined to comment on the release or Monday’s debate.

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